You're right, that happened. But remember that Diana was treated like a goddess until the breakup, and then the opposition started - but the hatred from certain sections of society didn't get started till she hooked up with a rich Arab. Then she died and she was the nations favourite again. Also Fergie was tolerated till it was obvious their marriage was ending. The absolute power wielded by 'the firm' on the media and therefore the public mood is absolutely jaw dropping. And those sucked in will swear they haven't been influenced by any of it. As a disinterested spectator I find it hilarious and fascinating. I think the current story is particularly well understood if you look at the reaction to the curtseying episode. Half the country is visibly upset that Megan could be so disrespectful, 99% of the world is looking on bemused because curtseying is so obviously ludicrous.
Yes the spittled flecked outrage at her utter bemusement at having to curtesy in this day and age is very instructive. Get on your knees surf!!!
It's brilliant isn't it, people who only have a media created view of something being absolutely convinced they know exactly what the truth is. Not an iota of any doubt. And clearly no parallel with the truism that an intelligent person will never give you an absolutely certain answer - but a fool is always utterly convinced they know something.
To be fair DR that works the other way too. None of us have the first clue what any of them are actually like. We don't know them.
Anyone who forms much of an opinion on members of the royal family based in the few times a year that they see them on TV in stage managed visits to places isn't making an opinion based on that in my opinion. They're either making it based on what the red tops tell them to think (the idiotic Brexit voters) or based on something else which makes them dislike someone. I can't think what that might be...
Genuine question' why do all the media outlets still refer to them as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex ? did they not lose that privelege when they cut themselves loose?
Surely if they don't want to do any royal duties and cut all ties with it they should forfeit the trappings that come with it..