The trailers look very good, though still not sure I want to put myself through it. I'm guessing it was very hard going in places?
One of my work colleagues had to sit on his knee at a fundraiser in the seventies. She was an office junior at IMI copper works Leeds. He invited her back to his house for drinks but the senior clerical hands wouldn't let her go and sent her home. The next day at work they all crowded round an office and one of her colleagues who went to his home was crying. Nothing ever got said what transpired. Speculation based on what came out latterly.
Watched the first episode last night. The first bit of footage from his funeral was proper stomach churning.
Watched it all and in parts it is a difficult watch but it doesn't glorfie him in anyway. It does clear up some questions most people would have like why the strange relationship with his mother and with Thatcher which allowed him access to broadmoor. Don't want to give too much away as clearly not many people have watched it all but I took some comfort from the title been correct.
Watched it yesterday. I struggle with describing it as brilliant - just doesn’t feel like an apt word to use, although I appreciate what people are getting at. Is it essential watching? Dunno. I’m not sure it told me anything I didn’t already know. I just came away feeling sickened, desperately sad for the victims and a bit angry. He was a manipulative beast, who never showed a shred of remorse. The only crumb of comfort is that he never had kids.
Savile story has been done to death. BBC should have made a documentary involving the higher ups of the time saying sorry, rather than a fancy drama blame shifting.
I finished watching it a couple of days ago. Like The Long Shadow also recently screened it’s gripping, but sickening, stuff. I’ve always thought that Steve Coogan is a brilliant actor and this will probably win him a BAFTA. Thank goodness that the unspeakable acts weren’t filmed, especially when he is alone in a mortuary with the body of an old woman. I grew up a fan of his radio and tv performances, not having any idea what was going on. I suppose it raises the question again about how many more were up to the same stuff as he was. The entertainment business has always attracted gullible young people and there will always be people like Savile ready to take advantage
I thought Coogan did a great job but when they showed you actual footage of Savile it was definitely more chilling. I never realised he was in cahoots with that witch Thatcher, but he certainly conned plenty of people but plenty turned a blind eye.
Don't really understand the point of it. Seen clips of Coogan in the role and he's clearly very good. I imagine it's very well done. But we all know the story, so it's just voyeurism isn't it? If it was a dramatic account of everyone who knew what he was doing and let him get away with it, and particularly those who actively shut people up, then it would be worthwhile, but I'm led to believe it's not that.
An ex wrestler who I worked with told me in the late seventies just watch what comes out about him when he dies. He knew him in the early sixties and said he was a known to seek out young girls. I was sat with the family in roundhay park cafe when he walked by smiling at my kids until he looked at my face ready to rip his head off and he quickly veered off and straight into his car.
I've said this before, but about 5 years ago I was having a conversation with a lad of a similar age who grew up on the other side of the Pennines. At school, he'd heard all the rumours about Savile being a pedophile - yet here in Barnsley the rumour was that Savile was a necrophile. This was dating back to around 1980 or so. I'm still curious if the entire country had different rumours in the different areas
Brilliant watch ,very dark at times. I bumped into Saville in 1997 on Scarborough promenade. Never for one second did I think anything sinister. However looking back now ,I can see my naivety in his actions that day where he was eager to stop and chat with myself and the other person I was with. And his really cheesy chat up lines. I bumped into Savilie on Scarborough promenade , never for one second thought anything ,however looking back now I realise my naivety in his wimysingness to stop and chat with
Going off the original OP He is well known for his comedy but a very underrated actor He was in a mini series called Sunshine a few years ago, Only 3 episodes but it’s equally funny and touching at the same time Coogan plays a gambling addict to perfection Well worth a watch
Coogan is a fantastic actor, and he excels again in this. I'm with Jay though, didn't really see the point in making this the way it has been.