FFS 2020 is not going away quietly. R.I.P. the Doc. Another top personality leaves us along with the memories of him as a player and manager.
A wee story from the Doc he told at a dinner. When he first played for I think it was Preston he discovered that again I think it was Tom Finnie was on more money than him. So he took his complaint to the chairman. Tommy was on £10 a week in the winter and £5 a week in the summer. But Tom was on £10 a week summer and winter. The chairman told Tommy that that was because Tom Finnie was a better player to which Tommy replied Not in the summer he isn’t. Pure class from the Doc
I met the fella once years ago at a dinner, told some cracking anecdotes, a true gent and a sad loss.
Another legend of the game gone. A real character who in the main was popular with his players and the Chairmen of the Clubs he managed.
he went to Kirk Balk to deliver a talk , I got to meet him in my Mother's office. He was rally nice bloke. RIP Tommy.
Just listening to an old interview with Danny Kelly on Talksport. He says for decades and decades he received a £250 Harrods hamper at Xmas from Chelsea. But when he went to Old Trafford they charged him £88 for 2 tickets. Cracking interview. R I P Doc
https://www.theguardian.com/football/gallery/2020/dec/31/tommy-docherty-life-in-pictures a life in pictures, 92 years seems forever, but I bet it flew by,nice tribute this