Care for the Israelis, jesus wept, the OP was about a flag being flown on a town hall wasn't it, ? and why, I gave an opinion as to why the council may or may not have made that decision, an opinion PR, nothing more nothing less but you have somehow turned it around as though I'm some how Pro Israeli, why do that ?unless I have written a pro Israel piece on this thread and somehow you have found it ( if I have please quote) you're seeing things that aren't there PR, pulling me down and making me look a lovely person for reasons I really don't know
You for real? You know that “like” button there is on here… when you use it other people see. Just in case you didn’t know. I’ll leave you to your thoughts, have a great day.
Misplaced virtue signalling by the council. May have had some minor pressure applied by Government as seems to be the case with Sheffield. Should have more guts and said 'no flags' imo. Atrocities are atrocities regardless of who commits them. Will Palestinian flags be hoisted when innocent people in Gaza are mutilated? Shouldn't think so. There will be some nasty stuff happening in next 24 hours so while its right to show sympathy for Jewish innocent people who have suffered its also right to show solidarity with Palestinian innocents who suffer. Raising a flag is explicitly taking one side when there's a complex issue here. Council made an error.
I'm sure it will play well with a good many of the Union Jack waving, Moooslim hating Brexit voters in town.
The acts of Hamas were barbaric and Israel have every right to defend themselves. But in ‘defence’ they are committing war crimes and have now killed 9 UN refugee workers. I doubt whether the response from the US and UK will be the same as it would be if, say, Russia bombed civilian areas in Ukraine and killed 9 UN workers. There’s no winners in this conflict and the losers are just regular people like you or I, many of whom would probably happily live side by side with each other, given the chance. But in Israel and Ukraine, and any other conflict around the world, the US and UK are more interested in sending arms than trying to do anything to stop the bloodshed. The US are warmongers, with a powerful arms lobby who make billions providing arms for conflicts. No war = no profits. The UK, however, should know better. The killings over Northern Ireland weren’t stopped by blanket bombing civilian areas, they were stopped by getting all sides together for grown up talks. Of course, things are a lot more deep rooted in the Middle East, but peace has to start somewhere. I don’t get why nobody is trying to broker peace in Ukraine though.
What a strange, assumptive post Peni. have a view, explain it and justify it. Do a bit of reading. Learn some history.... etc etc. Where are the hippies?