Not quite correct TN. A cross party group under Beveridge (Liberal) laid down the principles of the NHS but it was introduced (built if you prefer) under Atlee's (Labour) govt in 1948.
I hope this isn’t going to turn into another thread of epic proportions. It’s not great for America’s political future that he was acquitted, but it’s not surprising. Important thing is he lost the election, this won’t alter that.
The sad thing about the whole affair is that inadvertently the failure to impeach the nasty piece of has sent a message that behaviour like his and that of his supporters is tolerable. Republicans should have impeached him but they lack bottle and most are still under his sway. If an attack on democratic institutions is condoned as it has been then that leaves democracy in a bad way. Democracy in the USA is weaker for this imo. Trump and his followers have been granted license to carry on as before. Trump himself will be back in some form.....Something bad will happen down the line. My view of course.
NHS was Aneurin Bevan and the Labour party. The Liberal party was proceeded by the Whig party. 1918 representation act that opened up the right to vote was under a Liberal government
Not really. Beveridge was a Liberal of course, and Lloyd George initiated the creation of the Welfare State. But Nye Bevan and the Attlee Labour government built the NHS.
Maybe built was the wrong word to use but they were heavily involved in the idea and getting it into public consciousness. They created National insurance for instance. Anyway I digress the NHS was built by Labour as you rightfully point out.
I think a deal was struck following the capitol hill riot, " go quietly and you,ll avoid jail", one day he was shouting the odds as Trump always does, the next he was gone with a whimper, another week or so its chip paper..