The biggest takeaway from that list is that you actually know who Kanye West and Justin Bieber are. Are you secretly trying to hide the fact your lass has caught you, hairbrush in hand, belting out tunes from the Biebs into the bathroom mirror ?
Same here, loved listening to him on long drives back from family up north last year, great DJ and like a different person to the insufferable alter ego he first presented on x factor. I like how he calls his mum up on the show for a catch up too. Much better than the other numpties on radio 2, Steve Wright and his serious jockin ballox, and Jeremy Vine talking about cat gangs.
If I happened to own an old vintage steamroller, and happened to be driving it through the town centre when I, by bizarre fluke, saw Jamie Oliver and Hugh Grant, in a phone box together, I think I would really struggle to not drive straight over it while those two were in it.
...and if Michael Ball could somehow get shoehorned into that same phone box (though he may need to hop into the adjoining one) it would be like Christmas for me.