Had my 2nd jab at Priory Campus at 9am, got there about 8.40am and only 3 of us queuing but about 8.55 I swear down it was like a swarm of ants came and queue ended up at back of carpark Was in and out in 5 minutes no probs
Got my second one brought forward to the 10th of June. Other half had both, but suspected to have around 3% immunity. Though she is looking to get on a research trial for her combination of drugs. Not sure if they'll share her specific level of antibodies (or lack of) but it may help them understand why the vaccine is essentially being neutralised by the combination.
Had my second one yesterday ar Farnham hospital - appointment 8:40 got there at 8:35 6 people in the queue ahead of me - but they had about 8 vaccination stations all going in parallel - was back at my car at 8:45 though did wait another 10 mins to check I was ok before I drove home Bit of a sore arm this time but dont feel too bad otherwise - opposite of the first jab (AZ).
People seem to be being asked to wait around now for 15 mins or so now. I was out when I had my first (only had one) as was everyone else seemingly (AZ)
Wasn't today for 2nd Jab, was just given and told about side effects then gone, they didn't even ask if I was driving
Lass that did my Jab told me to wait 15 mins before driving but said no reason to wait in the room so I just went out and gave it 10 mins before getting in the car
Took wife and her sister at dinnertime today to Wakefield for their 2nd jabs only to be told that the system had gone down and they were only doing 1st jabs until 3.30. Had to book in and return for 5pm. We were told we should have had an email about the issue but that never arrived.
Had both jabs at my Doctors, Victoria Medical Centre combined it took my around 4mins to get seen to, marvelous.
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/covid-vaccine-book-second-dose-b1866083.html Anyone tried that? Apparently if you're below 40 you can go on the NHS website, cancel your second jab and schedule it a few weeks earlier. That would be good that to be fully vaccinated earlier than August but then I wouldn't want to cancel my second jab and find no space to get it sooner, so I end up having it later. I could ring 119 I suppose but it will probably take ages to get through.
I tried this morning. Cancelled my appointment on August 2nd, went to rebook, one space available… on August 2nd. So I just rebooked. No harm done and worth the try to see if I could get it earlier. Mine is bang on 12 weeks after my first.
Probably not worth the risk then to do it myself then just in case it ends up being later. I will try 119 and see what they can do.
Shame you can't edit it, to book the second appointment and once confirmed cancel the 2nd. I'm in for July for my second and think it's worth leaving as it is.
Hopefully the domestic vaccine passport idea gets scrapped..... https://www.theguardian.com/politic...e-discriminatory-and-must-be-scrapped-say-mps Government press rumours seemed to think it will be but then down to individual businesses if they wanted to do it anyway. If some places decide even though it's not mandatory they want to see our health status (hope our club don't) then they might do what these trial events have done which is you've to be two weeks after your second jab (fully vaccinated) or take a test at a centre no sooner than 48 hours before to show the text confirmation you would get back around half hour later. Therefore sooner we can be fully vaccinated so that would be enough without taking tests, the better.