Well we saw what a load of bo****ks it was in the confederations cup and world cup and still is now.Why does nobody have the ba**s to admit. it.
I was all for technology, but this doesn't sit well with me if the supporters at the game can't see the replays.
Are we talking about that ludicrous penalty??! What a fkin ridiculous decision. Whatever the new rule is, it stinks. Never a pen in a million years. Shame on you FIFA.
Nothing wrong with VAR. All it does is show you exactly what happened. Problems lie in some refs etc being unable to interpret what's in front of their eyes.
Var invented for sky sports and all armchair fans that can’t get up to go to a game. Guess you can tell I don’t like it
Couldn’t see the replays on TV in the England Netherlands game either. Got one replay but none of the VAR analysis. Could hear Neville fuming off mic. I hate it personally. The joy of scoring a goal is now dampened, as you know VAR is often going to have a look. The celebrations now spread out over the course of several minutes. Not to mention the linesmen keeping their flag down when it’s so obviously offside, just because they’re 99% sure and not 100% sure.
The thing with VAR for me. The referee is giving his own interpretation of an incident up. Which is what he's paid to do. To take the opinion of another referee that himself has his own interpretation of what transpired. What if he's wrong as well?
VAR should follow the DRS system cricket uses. The issue with VAR, is most referee decisions in football are open to interpretation, so one referee might see an handball as deliberate, another may see it as accidental(for example). For me, each manager should have 2 appeals, where the ref has to give the VAR team a "soft signal", to tell them how he views things. It should then be looked at with bias towards the refs soft signal(for example, if the ref has given a deliberate handball, the VAR refs must be able to see clear evidence that it is the wrong decision, or vice versa. Similar to what they do with LBW results in cricket). This would still make the on field ref the main decision maker and nut undermine them. Plus the "appeal" would show help the fans understand what is happening(rather than the ref just stood like a pot ***** with his finger in his ear)...
The system they use in Tennis would be better. Each team gets a couple of VAR challenges per half, so should use them wisely.
I like VAR but it’s being used in the wrong way. The England game, no way should that goal have been disallowed for a toe being offside. It’s stupidity.
The problem isnt that - the problem is its been taken away from the linesman - it should be like LBW in cricket -there is a decision made on the field at the time and only in case of a clear error should the on field decision be overturned and have an equivalent of umpires call - Had the linesman flagged at the time we would all have accepted it whether he was offside by a toe or onside by a toe - only a clear error where someone is off or on by a body width should VAR be used to overturn As for the Penalty for Brazil - had the ref given it at normal speed Id say it was a harsh decision but accept it - for that to be given by VAR is total ******** I think a bit like in other sports though apart from the goal line technology which works well some form of appeal to the VAR for a review - limited to one or two decisions per half would be a far better way to go - line decisions should be overturned if the video shows that there was an error - offside and "foul" decisions should only be for clear errors
I did say its being used in the wrong way lol. No one believed a mistake had been made with the England match. It shouldn’t be used nit pick. It’ll be a nose or a finger nail offside next.
If you start with reviews and appeals your just opening another can of worms.This is football not cricket or tennis.Most things in these are fact not opinion.(eg.goaline technology).OK.offside is fact but way we are going we will need laser beams to determine the outcome.Also like wilson goal yesterday,how far are we going to go back in a game.People keep saying it will be quicker when we get use to it.HOW.And the most important thing is the atmosphere and emotion at games.Controversial decisions create this.
LBW in cricket is opinion, and even if the umpire gives it not out but it’s hitting the wicket it stays not out in many cases as the umpire hasn’t made an obvious error In run outs it’s very similar to goal line tech. Simple yes or no. This is where VAR works the best, cricket has come up with a way to use VAR whilst backing the opinion aspect of the decision maker, football hasn’t as yet and it looks much poorer for it.
I've rapidly gone off it. It is still reliant on interpretation and decisions are still wrong. Plus it excludes the most important people in the game - the fans in the ground.