3 teenagers been coughing in pensioners faces, then assaulted them. They want locking up. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-52003543
Why have they been released? They could potentially be a danger to others . They should be remanded untill assurances imo.
Anyone deliberately coughing in someone else's face at this present moment should immediately be set on fire. It's the only right thing to do.
"The suspects were questioned and released under investigation. The force called for anyone with information to contact them and asked people not to post details of those they believe are involved or share footage on social media as it could hamper the investigation". Actually I hope they ARE identified on social media, bugger the hampering of the investigation, they also blacked the eye of a 70 year old lady, they should be publicly named and shamed.
Hopefully their identities are discovered and they get a wee bit of punishment. You know what I mean?
Anyone thinking they're funny at the moment and deliberately putting others at risk should be charged with assault.
It's gone from 'old people are destroying our future' to 'we don't give a flying **** about old people'
Not read the article but I saw the video of the aftermath. It involved Tommy Robinson who intervened and was threatened by 3 youths, he got back in his car and when they continued to try to attack him and his car he got back out and they all ran around in circles. Lots of shouting and threats but didn’t see any punches landed. Police was called and he was cautioned for getting back out the car and ‘chasing them’. At the end of the video he identified them all by name and what estate they lived on. One of them had a history of arms offences and was on bail for a stop and search that he had a knife on his possession (all according to TR).
Short of sum shoe, wot a bunch of fooookin MORONS, id be in a cell nar if that was my Parents, infact if id seen it id av smacked at least one before other two did wot there good at RUNNING AWAY, boiles my blood this sort of sh ite.
What scroats like these need mate is some good military discipline. I don't mean get them in with the volunteers who serve us so well, I mean a type of bootcamp run by ex soldiers to instill some respect and discipline into their pathetic existences.
I would have said at one time that the other inmates would have a special welcome fir them should they be Gaoled , but unfortunately these days most of the other inmates are made of the same vile stuff as these vermin .
You know what. That's a brilliant idea. I often say that more people should be jailed for their crimes and always get told that prisons are at breaking point. Why don't we have really really hard harsh bootcamps for people who don't quite deserve prison but need the evil knocking out of them