has been slagging BFC fans off on twitter and then blocked them all when challenged? Clue - he was a very vocal critic of the club in days gone by but all those posts now seem to have magically disappeared?
Is it Owen Jones, the boot room lad? He's just blocked 4 million Twitter users for watching Panorama.
Slagging fans off? Really? I tweeted that I was a big fan of folk who don't work in football, telling folk who do, how to do their job. It was a very self-aware message. As in, I now see criticism from a different viewpoint. Because I myself was once a big critic of certain footballing matters. People I follow back on twitter, they saw the message for what it was. Especially friends and colleagues. Now of course, I see both sides of the coin at the same moment. But unfortunately, on certain platforms, 'others' come across your message and then you end up getting messaged by all kinds of strange types. People you don't follow, a fair few for very good reason having seen some of the messages. It's why I rarely use twitter nowadays. It's become toxic, a great vehicle for people who are only comfortable using a pseudonym enabling them to abuse or attack. But the tweet in question was up for six hours before I got rid. I delete the vast majority of my tweets after a few hours. Have done for years. I have OCD and like a clean timeline. I do similar on facebook also. No hidden motive I'm afraid. If there was, I wouldn't be posting this. However, I haven't blocked anyone. Not that it's any of your business, as someone I don't follow, who has taken it upon himself to not only tweet me (and not get a response), but then logon to this forum and try and 'out' or 'shame' me. A bit of a dirty move on your part, in my opinion. But no, there's nobody blocked. I have however, locked the account, gone private. So only people I allow to see my tweets will see them going forward. It is a personal account after all. Sleep well Conan.
Oooh wheres all this anger come from... Andrew..pmsl. As if I didn't know.. Guessing you have to vent it in some form or another whilst any vehicle will do... We all know rejection we all know the hurt the pain it brings... Lol Best advice build a bridge and get over it as quick as you can.... That said it can't be easy coming to terms finding out the way you did... Then no doubt dealing with it in the public domain. Having to put a brave face on when deep inside you wanted to scream from the highest roof top We the sensitive members on here that are in the know can only offer support and a shoulder to cry on in this present predicament you are facing.. We know it must be hard ( pardon the pun ) rejection never is easy to swallow.. ( once again pardon the pun and innuendos ) but the best plan is to retreat and heal your pain... You won't be the first nor the last to experience these feelings... How you will get over it I don't know how but I hope you find it in your heart to forgive... Them both Don't take your anger and rejection out of us please... Forget him... There's other fish in the sea... One question I need to ask is.... Do you think Gaynor will be looking over her shoulder for you next Monday when the words.. Is there any reason that Roy (bossman) and Gaynor can't be joined in matrimony Will your room and bed sharing days be over Will you ever forgive him marrying someone else besides you... The bromance could be over... I know it took a hit with the brek shea love in... How did you manage to cope with his infatuation... We will never know.... Pmsl couldn't resist Hope alls OK
I think this is in pretty bad taste. I know the tweet you’re referring to as I saw it earlier and it wasn’t slagging anyone off. No idea what your motive is here but the whole cryptic element to your post is very bizarre. Nothing to see here and move on springs to mind.