The point of doing this was what exactly? What were you looking to achieve? You’re often a little bizarre but this is just spiteful
Would like to take a stab that like me most of the BBS posters ant got a Fk*n clue wot this is abart, one thing for certain tho.. Our beloved club will still be ther and all of us wether we agree or not will still be watchin…… dunt really matter does it !!!!
I don't know what this is about, but it seems to me to be nasty and mischievous and aimed at bringing grief to another fan. Also the cryptic element appears to be a bit cowardly. If you've got something to say why don't you just come out with it so we can see what you're getting at.
Let’s be honest tho is anyone really surprised, be interesting to check what year CT posted anything of a positive nature.