Quite amusing take on which division every club belongs in. I particularly like his opinion on Wednesday
I’ve started watching him recently now he’s moved on to YouTube rather than tiktok (I’m too old for the latter). Nice to hear someone with a tarn accent getting popular. Seems to know his fair share too.
Interestingly, history shows that Liverpool, Arsenal, Man U, Everton, Villa, Man City, Spurs, Chelsea, Newcastle, Sunderland and surprisingly West Brom are the only clubs with over 3000 games in the top flight! if you followed this logic both Sheffield Wednesday and United would be top flight also!
Can't remember who but some organisation about 12 months ago did a really good ranking based on all time points in top flight, trophies won, fanbase, global appeal but there was alot of focus on actual seasons in top flight and major trophies won. Wednesday and utd were ranked 18th and 19th on the all time, it was great because it wasn't all about the "we get 3m fans so we're massive" Blackburn rightly so we're above weds and utd around 13th. The mighty Reds came in at a respectable 43rd out of 92