Sorry to disagree but weve been spoon fed the above since birth without an independent audit lol In my opinion they are the biggest scroungers in the uk Get rid of the lot of them It's going to be interesting ....An admitted Adulterous king, head of the church of England ...surely making a mockery of the churches preaching....let's see how they explain that one away . I'd say he's more than a tampax is Charlie boy.
There’s no need to apologise, everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, like it or not, you don’t need to look too far to see that they generate far more wealth for the nation than they cost us.
I'm not entirely convinced by that argument. I know it's regularly quoted but I'd like to see some definitive proof. Surely the majority of the money is people visiting the Royal estates. Those will still be there after the monarchy is gone, still able to generate the income from visitors.
Playing the National Anthem, it looks like I'll have to get in late after the match has kicked off for the first time ever .
Trying to say that we would be economically better off without the Royals is like trying to say we are better off out of the EU when all the evidence suggests otherwise
Are you assuming that "without the royals" means that all evidence of their existence would immediately be removed and there would be no more visitors? Because that's obviously not what would happen. Buckingham Palace gets around 500k visitors in a good year. Versailles gets 15 million.
Does this ‘online evidence’ include the 100’s of millions of tax that they dodge? Let me guess, tourism? As if no-one will visit London any more if there isn’t a monarchy?
I'm a republican and always have been simply because the entire institution smacks of outdated privilege and has no real constitutional value anymore. However that said even if one agrees with/likes the royal family its surely not wrong to expect them to pay all relevant taxes like everybody else...