I shall conclude by thanking the club for maintaining their consistency of general service abomination throughout the whole season! It has perpetually proved impossible to secure a pint after the half time whistle, and drink it before the second half starts. My own calculations show that on average it has been necessary to join the ale queue 4.789(recurring) minutes before the end of the first half in order to safely consume a pint prior to the start of the "second stanza" (nicked that phrase from Stevo). As a goodbye and thank you for turning up all season present, my ESL bar today ran out of both beer and lager before I was served. Top service BFC! Thank you!!
I go the the ground to watch a football match, not to drink beer or lager, therefore I am not disappointed. Why people need alcohol at half time means to me that they are alcoholics.
I don't buy beer at matches either but -and I know this sounds of fashioned - I kinda like the idea of providing good customer service and maximising income for the club.
Anyone who "needs" alcohol at any given time may be an alcoholic. Anyone who might like a pint - when it's supposed to be available - is hardly in need of rehab. Just a pint please.
People complain about match ticket prices but are more than happy to queue up for 10 minutes and pay £4 for a pint of fizzy lager . Hypocrisy in the highest terms . Get your priorities in order .
How do you know it's not the people with STs queuing up? Maybe people are complaining about high price tickets because they expect to be able to buy a ticket and a pint at a price they find acceptable altogether but if the ticket price is higher then they can't then get their lager?
So it's not OK to want a pint and watch the full match now? Is that what people are saying? If you do you've got a problem? Just checking. Sounds a bit rough if that's the case mind.
I am disgusted by people who can't go to asda without having to call to McDonald's. Obese every single one of them. And don't get me started on the literaturephiles who demand a programme to read at a 90 minute event.
Jesus i was trying to be sarcastic. This place is way too serious sometimes. I must say though that if someone is so desperate to queue up and pay £4 for a pint of crap lager in a wobbly cup they need to get off to doctors. Coffee is the future people .