Ours will be changing to the exact same format. They mentioned it on player on Sunday that its changing to iFollow.
I hope somebody has done their homework on the law regarding the 'i' prefix ps that is one ugly looking website
Looks like it was put together on free software like Wordpress. Are we legally forced to use the same generic look as so many other official websites? It would be much better to get an independent local company to put together something for us that's much more unique, that caters to us and looks like nothing else out there.
Are we sure it's iFollow RM.? I've had an email from the EFL today about this new service. Apparently for a subscription of £110 iFollow will give anyone living OUTSIDE OF THE UK the ability via mobile, tablet or laptop to link up to an audio broadcast involving any team in the EFL. You are asked to complete an electronic form showing name, e-mail and which team you support. Presumably when you've done that you submit your form and then they will contact to take payment. I think if you go on www.efl.com and put iFollow in the search engine it gives a detailed outline of the new service which goes live from the start of next season.
Just read the EFL blurb again. It says iFollow is for overseas subscribers but a similar format to upgrade the HD Player platform can be incorporated into EFL Clubs websites as well. So it doesn't sound as though it's the website that's changing but the HD Player element might be. Wonder if Whitey can find owt out for us.?
All of it is. New layout for website and ifollow replaces player with a different version of ifollow for overseas fans but both branded as ifollow. Some clubs have posted the info on their sites telling fans what's happening.
Cheers ST. Great stuff. Let's hope it turns out better than our current version. Incidentally tried completing the electronic form and it allows me to do that up until it asks me to click on Nationality. There is no provision for UK/British so the version they sent me must be for overseas subscribers.
Looks OK. Current site is pretty crap design / layout wise, but I think the club will have very little say in it.
Down here at Bristol City we've chosen to dump the EFL contract, and go it alone. Hopefully allows us to make a better looking website as the league ones have always been **** Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk