I'm surprised she hasn't visited her young fans in hospital. It would mean a lot to them. Let's hope I'm jumping the gun and she plans to.
She seems to be in shock she's a young lass herself I guess Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fans Forum
Thousands of miles from home, I can sort of understand her wanting to get back on US soil as quickly as possible. Footing the costs of the victims funerals is just as big a gesture as visiting the injured in Hospital. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unless you've been in that situation yourself how would you know? I can't even begin to comprehend how people would feel given the circumstances, my wife's friend was there amongst it, not injured but still in shock at what happened. My work mate was a personal friend of one of the ladies who died, 2 of his 12 year old daughter's friend's were injured, (one is the daughter of a lady who died in the attack). I'm not really familiar with Ariane Grande, but what I do know is she's only a young lass herself, however she's dealt with it is her own business
Though not her fault in any way, shape or form, can you imagine the sense of guilt she must be feeling now. There really isn't a right or wrong way to react to this lunacy for a young lady like her.
I think this will turn out to be a fake statement. Like many other sic f*cks seeking attention on social media on the back of other peoples misery.