O/T What is the most bizarre....?

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Donny Red, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. Donny Red

    Donny Red Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2016
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    Story that anyone has ever told you.?
  2. shed131

    shed131 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Got told a strange little story the other night.and to be honest believing in all things paranormal / spiritual this intrigued me...it concerns friends of my brother ...it is not made up and actually took place as the lady in question sought my help to explain what both her and her husband experienced...the couple in question are now retired and living in france...the husband is a former accountant of a city firm and doesnt believe in the after life and his wife is a former executive of a well known international company who finds the paranormal interesting but has a opened mind on the said spiritual scene. Both are very rational types .guess youve got the picture .
    Anyway just before they moved to france they were living in Milton keynes ..for a short period, they knew the neighbours either side of them by name but knew and recognised others from the otherside of the street but not really to talk to.
    one particular day the the lady in question is looking out of her window and noticed the lady from over the road getting into a car...over the next week or so she noticed that around the same time of day a car would pull up and she would get in and off it went. On one particular day my brothers friend was out in the garden when she noticed the lady from across the road looking agitated and upset pacing the pavement...on enquiring it turned out her lift was late picking her up and to some extent conversation took place,...my brothers friend complemented her on the unusual jewellery she was wearing and it transpired that the lady was in fact a jeweler, she then continued with the conversation reassuring her that there was no need to get overly upset. Suddenly it started to rain so my brothers friend made her apology and went indoors. The lady from accross the road then continued her wait outside in the rain.
    About 20 minutes later the door bell went and on answering the door she found the lady stood there who asked could i come in and use your phone...she entered and then proceeded to speak in a arabic or egyptian dialect on the phone. A few minutes later she gave thanks left and got into a car that had pulled up. Later on in the evening the door went and on answering she found the same lady stood at the door asking if both her and her husband would be so kind to attend a meal and drinks at hers the following day to repay the kindness she felt was directed towards her.
    fast forward to the night in question my brothers friends went over the road to attend the invite ..on entering the house they noticed it being dimley lit and were shown into a room that was adorned with egyptian artifacts . Sat at the table was a young man in his 30s who was introduced as the ladies son. They were given a glass of wine and small talk was exchanged.
    my bothers friend says for some reason she was drawn to the sons presence he just seemed to captivate all her attention and felt his eyes were absorbing her.
    she felt like the room was getting darker and the more she looked at him the stranger she felt she glanced at the woman and it was as if she was watching a horror movie both the woman and her son were shape shifting in to Anubis (the hyroglific shows the priest with the dogs head)
    whilst not believing what she was seeing she says she sat there transfixed and rooted to the spot...suddenly she heard her husband shouting stop it stop this madness and then she felt him pull her from the table, they then made there way out of the house and rushed home....once inside both feeling shaken by what had taken place they discussed what they had witnessed ...the husband discribing to the exact detail what his wife had seen ...they then went to bed frightend had little sleep
    The following morning a neighbour asked them ....did you hear anything last night they replied no followed by..have you heard about those two accross the road very strange if you ask me....only gone and done a moon light flit in the middle of the night ....house totally emptied and nobodies heard a thing....

    make of it what you want....
    Donny Red likes this.
  3. Hot

    Hotbovril Active Member

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I make it that they hadn't paid the rent!
  4. Donny Red

    Donny Red Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2016
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    In the 1980's the Home Office opened a Prison about 5 miles from where I grew up.
    This complimented two well established Young Offenders Institutes in the area.
    I was a member of a local Working Men's Club so we got to meet some of the Prison
    officers who had been posted to the new nick from other prisons in different parts of
    the country. I loved a game of snooker and through the various tournaments we held
    at the Club I got to know a couple of these new members and we became regular opponents.

    As we gained their trust the conversation inevitably turned to which prisons they had served at and
    the most notorious prisoners they had ever had to guard.
    One lad Dennis told us about his stint at Parkhust on the Isle of Wight.
    He was there when the Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe was sent there to begin his

    Sutcliffes wife Sonia applied for a permit to visit and Dennis was on duty when the first visit took place.
    Apparently they exchanged pleasantries and Sutcliffe asked her how her journey had gone.
    She told him she had got a lift from home to Leeds and then got the train to Kings Cross.
    She had then taken a taxi to Waterloo and once on the South Coast she made her way to the Prison.

    He asked her about her return journey. She replied that is was quite straight forward apart from her return journey
    from Kings Cross to Leeds. She told him that by the time she'd left the island and returned to London it would
    be in the small hours and from what she could establish she would have around a three hour wait at Kings Cross
    before she could get a train to Leeds. At that point, the man responsible for butchering countless innocent women said
    " I don't like the sound of that. I would prefer you book a hotel love. There are a lot of "funny" people around at that time
    of night.!!! ". Dennis said he thought to himself " fuc*ing hell, many a true word is spoken in jest.!"

    Dennis's mate John told us about the time the Home Secretary paid a visit to the nick in Donny when it had just opened.
    He had told the Governor he wanted to meet some of the prisoners to find out what they thought of the new facility
    first hand and they hand picked a few and warned them to be on their best behaviour.

    The Home Secretary stopped in front of a Scouse lad known for his sense of humour. He asked the Scouser " so what's your
    impression of the regime in this Prison.?" The lad replied "you could get done for thinking in here".

    John said " come on now that's not fair" ( laughing nervously). The Scouser said " Can't you" ? . Looking John in the eye
    he then said " OK if you can't I think you're a pillock." John said surprisingly the Home Sec burst out laughing and he joined in commenting " I suppose I walked into that one."!
  5. bra

    bradgatetyke Active Member

    Jun 14, 2017
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    The North Yorks Moor Railway thread on here has some of the most bewildering comments I've ever read.
  6. Ome

    Omen Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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    The barnsley manager always says we will get our players in early to take part in pre-season but every year we are still scrapping round for players a few days before the season starts with comments about utlising the loan system. Bizarre. Cannot explain it.
  7. Ome

    Omen Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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    how would they know they had done moonlight flit within hours if nobody heard or saw a thing? good story tho :)
  8. Carlycu5tard

    Carlycu5tard Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    I got told a story about a mate who got a strange growth on his ear.

    Doctors said they needed to completely remove his ear but they would replace it with one made entirely from genetically modified pig tissues

    Natrually he had some concerns so sought some reference from people who've had the procedure before.

    He was sent some pictures of people who'd had the procedure - and he couldn't tell the difference - so just to be safe he wanted to talk to one of them.

    He got hold of an American and had a good conversation but the guy in the states kept asking my mate to repeat himself

    My mate asked what the problem was and whether it was related to the pigs ear.

    The American said no - the ear was fine - it's just every now and he had problems with cracklin

    I'll get me coat.
    Donny Red likes this.

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