We Need To Talk About Andy

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by wilky, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. wilky

    wilky Active Member

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    We don't have access to any fabled spreadsheet, that automatically generates the value of every squad member. But if we did, we would suggest that you read our latest post and consider some of the factors that might account for any formula.

    We Need To Talk About Andy
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  2. Ome

    Omen Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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    Great post and I dont believe we have obtained the true value for any of our players that we have let go in recent years - including mawson and especially stones and roberts. The contracts and then sale of the likes of conor, watkins and roberts has put us backwards a hell of a long way and we are now going to have to wing it and hope this young team don't get battered for the first few weeks of the season until they all bed in. There is only hammill and davies to some extent that have any decent experience.

    Id we let Yiadom leave for anything less that 5 or 6m with add ons inc 20% sell on id be very disappointed - and not only that but we woudl seriously be gambling with our future in this league and therefore further backward steps.
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  3. Cam

    Cambridge Red Well-Known Member

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    Interesting read. I always find it enlightening when someone tries to put some logic behind things, rather than the 'I think he's worth £10M' with nothing to back it up.
    I'm sure there is a formulae out there somewhere, which clubs use, but yours is a valiant effort so thanks for that.

    This board is all about opinions, quite rightly, but most seem to be based on emotion rather than any facts. They're either sh*t and going to be relegated because we've lost a game, or they're great and we'll make the play-offs because we just won.
    I've often thought it would be good if we could get some consensus on here about the criteria by which to judge things.
    i.e. what makes a good manager... what are the qualities you would want in a candidate etc. Then you would have something concrete by which to judge.
    wilky likes this.
  4. Archey

    Archey Well-Known Member

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    Money is silly in football now, but even so, we aren't going to get offered anywhere near £5-6 million and such a large sell on for a player in the final year of his contract with as little experience as Andy has in the top 2 divisions.

    I agree that if we insist on selling our best players that we should get the best deal for the club, but I feel that the club are damned if they do and damned if they don't sometimes as expectation can, I feel, be a little over inflated by our fans.
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  5. Dan

    DannyWilsonLovechild Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    Hindsight is a wonderful thing and provides potential wisdom, long after the event when a decision is or has to be made.

    Yiadom could've been a Cole Kpekawa. We signed him prior to promotion, around 13 days before, so we'd budgeted for a league 1 player that may step up. A gamble and there were discussions of a new full back of championship status being required to make sure we could compete. We could have signed him on a 5 year deal, and we would've had many complaining of being untried and untested and therefore too big a gamble.

    It's such an inexact science that is only proven right or wrong with time. Young lads moving potentially hundreds of miles, being away from family, friends and what they know as home. Large rewards heaped on them at a tender age (all relative when compared to the average salaries of working men and women). Will they settle, will they be mentally strong enough, will money change them, will they be isolated, will they fit with other characters, will they get game time? So many variables that can make a mockery of a spreadsheet entry.

    The financial downsides are either letting a contract run out and getting no transfer fee. Selling at too low a price because of a players want to be away, refusal to sign a new contract and the length of contract they are on. Or, having to offload them, pay them off and finish a contract early because they haven't worked out.

    They are all potential downsides when we sign a player, I'm not sure how you protect against all 3 every single time.
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  6. wilky

    wilky Active Member

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    Have to agree with you. It's a great synopsis and response. Maybe the trigger, at least on this occasion, was Yiadom's call up to the full Ghana squad. Could we have squared this circle earlier? However, you're right about the initial contract. Sadly, despite all of his assets, we seem to be in a weak position and unable to realise a price that he would be valued at, the moment he steps on the turf for a Premiership suitor. Simply making that step up, will automatically put £5-£10m on his future price tag.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
  7. wilky

    wilky Active Member

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    Have to agree with you. It's a great synopsis and response. Maybe the trigger, at least on this occasion, was Yiadom's call up to the full Ghana squad. Could we have squared this circle earlier? However, you're right about the initial contract. Sadly, despite all of his assets, we seem to be in a weak position and unable to realise a price that he would be valued at, the moment he steps on the turf for a Premiership suitor. Simply making that step up, will automatically put £5-£10m on his future price tag.

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