A beer and a bratwurst is the German equivalent of a pie and a bovril. I'll try and find a picture I took of the "stand" behind the goal at Steinbach last season, it's a thing of beauty.
I'll OTE="LDRed, post: 1994011, member: 7235"]A beer and a bratwurst is the German equivalent of a pie and a bovril. I'll try and find a picture I took of the "stand" behind the goal at Steinbach last season, it's a thing of beauty.[/QUOTE] I'll swap you one of Limerick when I go next week. Locally known as stab city so I'll be trying to blend in!
About 5 minutes before kick off, not many turn up Big derby in Ireland tonight, Shamrock vs. Bohemians. I wanted to go but couldn't get the time off work.
My rule for a healthy lifestyle is, I only ever have a drink, if there is a Y in the day ! It works fine for me