Tragic. At least his suffering is over. Hopefully the parents can grieve and move on with their lives, a terrible thing to cope with.
Whilst I think his mam and dads fight was very flawed, I can't imagine being in the position they were in - so to expect them to try and accept, and make logical, reasoned decisions would be hugely unfair. Their wee man is at peace bless him. My thoughts and best wishes are with them, and the rest of his family. An awful tragedy, which has reached the inevitable outcome for little Charlie, but I fear for the parents an outcome might never be reached. The poor sods.
Agree with that. Every time I see something about him on the news I think 'just let him die peacefully, the doctors know what they're talking about and you're just prolonging his suffering and are being really selfish' but those thoughts last for about 1 second before all I can think is about how much that young couple are suffering. Seeing your baby alive but being told you must let him die is awful. To be given even a tiny amount of hope from one set of people which contradicts what the hospital is saying just make it even worse. Knowing that if you don't fight as hard as you can for that tiny chance then you feel so much guilt. I certainly wouldn't be able to handle it, I've no idea how they can. It's a no win situation really for them. All I can say is rest in peace little Charlie and hopefully the parents will get some peace too eventually knowing that they did all they could.