didn't you know fans like me who go to watch 3/4 different Barnsley teams over the year plus travel pretty much sun, rain or snow are everywhere. Oakwell's full to the rafters with them.
You're entitled to your opinion and people are entitled to disagree but sometimes it's like a witch hunt people can't wait to jump on your back on here. If people have nothing better to do on a Friday night than troll you they really should get a life.
Sun rain or snow. Good stuff for someone who dunt like it outside. Never knew you got to so many games - you should have said. Enjoy the season pal (please).
I'm not saying ANYONE isn't entitled to a view on here, the street or Oakwell. I get stick for mine. I don't think the posts negative.
No more than Conan etc. He loves it when people jump to his defence, it feeds his victim syndrome.. He is an attention seeking lovely person !! He calls people names yet cries when he is called back.
I think Hemsworth is too negative at this stage. We should wait and see... However, what a surprise that he is insulted for his post..... Pathetic. Post a decent reply or don't post at all.
Being proved wrong is what Phil does best. Well that and disappearing as soon as it happens. Maybe he is supporting the right club after all with that common link... But as for you giving it the big I Am because you watch the kids as well as the first team hemsy: Well, some of us would perhaps do similar if we didn't have jobs to do, lives to live and bills to pay. Earning the money that gives us the right to spend it. You've really wound me up with that comment. Who the frig do you think you are? You're right. Oakwell isn't full of folk like you. I'm glad. Because the core Barnsley support has always been hardworking down to earth folk. It's not your fault, and I actually value some of your opinions, (sadly fewer and fewer), but you don't seem to live in the real world. In fact the bubble in which you exist seems to get a thicker and thicker skin whilst it floats further away from reality. I don't advocate folk getting attacked online - in years past I've defended you myself. But as has been pointed out, you're quick to have a pop, then cry foul when owt is said to you. Yet your posts are designed to get people to bite. People like Nudger have been hugely negative but then have fairly conceded progress when signings have been made. He as an example has been fairer in assessment. You choose to ignore the double figures of new signings made, to whine about the one or two that haven't. I'm sure it will be Heckingbottom's fault too given he's so *****. Re Hecky though Philip, you ought to be careful what you wish for. Because if he goes, his likely replacement is bobby Hassell. And given he once apparently said a naughty word to you (though with his religious convictions and the rest of everybody who has ever met him stating him to be a really nice fella, I have doubts that it's true. Though you do have a talent for making folk swear I guess) - I imagine you wouldn't condone that one bit. In fact I think it would irritate you greatly how much support he'd get. Not that I want anyone but PH managing this club for as long as he chooses. I actually don't think you really support this club at all. You probably think you do, but it's just habit for you. You've nothing else to do. If you really cared about the club, your whines and snipes would at least be constructive. You never seem to do anything but pick fault though. I imagine you are quite torn about going to Bristol tomorrow (assume you are - what with you being the bestest fan of all time), given cricket is on Sky, the greatest institution and improver of all sporting matters and ruiners of nothing. The media outlet who rescued football and cricket as nobody had heard of it before 1992. If you want to be critical of everything, well that's your call, but don't get precious about folk calling you out for it. Some of us care about the club still being around in the years to come for our kids and beyond, we don't all live in the 'if not now why not yesterday' culture. And we certainly don't all live in a world where we have every day spare to watch whatever Bfc team is playing and no issues funding that either. Don't get me wrong, i'd not swap my life for yours. Not in a million years. Wife, kids, well rounded social and working life. Well I'm well rounded in general, but a diet will sort that... not rich but not exactly skint either. I'm happy with my lot but always ambitious and aspiring for more - but realistically. I don't compare myself and my life to someone famous for example, and I don't compare my football club (and it is ours), to unrealistic comparators like clubs in the division above who get £100m for turning up and similar again the next year even if relegated. Find something else to spend your time on. I'm not saying stop supporting the club, but get something else too, as you clearly aren't getting any enjoyment out of it.
Got talking to a Brentford fan when we played them last season at Brentford , and he said he spent 10k following them home and away every season .
I can believe it. I followed us everywhere while living in Glasgow, a standard home game was £200. Away games were usually a full weekend so very expensive.