For no reason at all. I was walking back near to the underpass more or less side by side with a lad with a forest shirt on (about my age mid thirties) when two of our fans decided to get in his face and start calling him a scabby *****, a bell end and slate his whole family. This forest fan was just walking minding his own business before this happened. I looked around and saw nobody sticking up for the kid so took it upon myself to step in and basically tell 2 of our fans to do one. They wouldn't and kept swearing at him and in his face. I told the forest fan to stick with me and that I wouldn't let anything happen to him and that id walk him back to the train station which I did. Luckily I had my home shirt on so these lads weren't that bothered about me amd they eventually did **** off. I walked him to the platform 1 where I saw other forest fans.......asked them to look after him as I told them what happened.....a few gave me a handshake and said thanks and off I went back home. Now the thing that I go to most away games by myself and put myself in that kids position and that's why I stepped in. The lad was a bit shaken and I'm so glad I was there. He only came to watch his team tonight just like most of us on here do. Pissed me off that at a good end to the day.
That's absolutely appalling. I've met some brilliant people through supporting BFC, but sadly we've got our fair share of pond life as well.
We have. Fortunately they are completely outnumbered but it is still a disgrace that we have any at all as it is with all clubs. They aren't Barnsley supporters, they are thugs who happen to attend Barnsley matches
M NOwt to do with chanting , They were pond life full stop. One thing chanting at a football match a total different thing to bully someone
Football's a bloody game and you winder why some people take it so seriously. Well done for stepping in. Giving us a good name, and he'll probably hold Barnsley in higher regard as a result.
Nice one mate, you did the right thing. There are some proper pricks that attach themselves to football.
This particular incident might not have been caused by the chanting, but judging by the OP's post, it certainly was caused by the 'never forgive/forget' attitude.
Good man. Your last paragraph is right on the money. It's truly pathetic stuff. I know most clubs are afflicted by a minority of these individuals but it's still sad to see it happen on our own doorstep. I've been attending football matches, home and away, for 37 years, and I still cannot understand this sort of thing, even allowing for the obvious historical tension between the areas of Barnsley and Nottingham. I go to football to watch the football, talk the football. With anyone.
So if that wasn't there these morons wouldn't have done what they did . I think that's totally wrong mate these scum would have been exactly the same against any other clubs fans. Morons are morons. On your basis we could also say if it went for football matches thus wouldn't happen , how far you want to take it?
Excellent gesture mate. Easy to be a big man when the odds are so heavily on your side. Picking on an individual is really so cowardly.
Most can have the 'never forgive/forget' attitude without threatening anyone. Let's face it, they would have found an excuse no matter what shirt he was wearing.
I will never forgive or forget don't recall trying to best anyone up recently. A moron will always be a moron.
I don't doubt it's probably a mindless minority, and it probably would have happened anyway. I apologise if my comment was a bit close to the bone, but it's something I don't generally get involved in as I have little connection to the miners strike other than being from Barnsley. I've witnessed it first hand though. I was once told that I don't respect my roots for taking a Brazil flag into the ground instead of 'one with a pit head on'. Too many people who chant scab, who use it to abuse others, are the same as me, too young to know what it's all about. Shouting it at others who have similar backgrounds, who's only crime is the city they were born in. Been done to death this. And as I say I don't like getting involved. I apologise if my comment was a bit out of line.
well done , I agree football fans should stick together, it's like being in a union .....err hang on a minute