Hi orsen.As someone who has profited in the past owing to your better knowledge than most on this board re the gee gees. Will you be doing a daily advice for the York Ebor meeting??? Attending Thu/Fri and very exited
Hello Mr Yarmtyke and thanks for your comments. I'm more than happy to put up my thoughts on the York Ebor meeting. It's one of the best race meetings of the year - provided that the weather holds and we don't have soft in the going description, or alternatively, that the word firm doesn't appear in the going description as that always causes the clerk of the course to get out his watering can with unpredictable results. Happily, this year looks set fair as things stand at the moment as the going is currently good. I repeat the health warning I've given many times. I operate on the basis that I achieve a strike rate at or around 33% and hope to achieve average odds in excess of 2/1. In this very narrow margin, long term profitability resides! But it also means that I am likely to put up twice as many losers as winners. That of course doesn't matter so long as my overall figures hold up. Beyond that, the game is chock full of interest with many storylines surrounding the owners, trainers, jockeys and breeding of the contestants. More to follow, and I'll put my thoughts on Wednesday's card up on here tomorrow.
Going weds for day , need to back a few winners at 33£-admission for grandstand enclosure . Any info appreciated