to all of you who were at the game today singing yer hearts out take "12th Man of the Match" award from the Dragon. I could only watch it on the iFollow Video stream but had the volume well up and you lot did the lads proud. The sheer volume to " he's one of our own " for Hecky was great and musta pleased Paul. The hairs on the back of my neck stood when a full hearted blast of "its just like watching Brazil" was blasted out (long time since you were moved to sing that one)... the taunts of the "Olé's" as we strung pass after pass together... it must have been even more electric in the ground... but even on the live video stream with a bloody good sound system it was fantastic. Keep it up guys it could well make a huge difference to the lads wearing the shirt.
Always thought the 12th man can work against you. Fans that make a lot of noise like Sunderland, Wendy, Leeds - can really lift their teams when the crowd KEEP on singing. But as soon as they stop - when something goes wrong - then suddenly a black cloud seems to descend onto the team. This was noticeable against Sunderland. When they are up they are up - but when they are down they are really really foooking down.