That combination of a 1000 park drive simultaneously on the go, complete with the smell of bovril and stale piss seeping up from below the wooden boards. Happy days.
Aye, if I get a whiff of a certain cig/cigar smoke it always reminds me of standing in the brewery stand as a young 'un , sithi.
My first haunt was Block B of the West Stand circa 1974. It always had a unique aroma, which I eventually realised was a mixture of tobacco smoke and tomato soup.
Happy days. My mates still sit not far from where I used to stand in the Brewery stand, which is by pure coincidence. Even with free standing most people would stand roughly in the same place back then. Atmosphere was better in those days, but have got used to things now & always have a good view of the match.
I remember a fat bloke at the front of the brewery stand had in his hands a pie, a pint, a cig and managed to have a piss up against the wall all at the same time.
Scalding hot molten pork pie jelly. (Albert Hirsts?) One bite into it and the juice exploded down your chin causing irreparable third degree damage.
Those were certainly the days access to three sides of the ground smoking Capstan Full Strenghts in the Brewery stand just to keep warm and singing in the corner abart Mollie Malone Happy days
also remember that strange pinky coloured tomato soup that if you didn't want a blistered tongue had usually cooled down enough to drink by half way through the second half
There was a football field at the back of the brewery stand played on there against a team called Optimists once in a cup match, 1960's. think the ground belonged to Barnsley Brewery?
We used to stand on the wooden boards of the Brewery Stand and make for a knot hole in one of the boards more or less in line with the half-way line. Same faces round and about us week in and week out. Used to be interesting watching the half-time exodus as people made their way towards the Ponte or away from the Ponte dependent on which goal we were kicking towards in the second half.