been like it for years. Watching Hudds v Man C yesterday I thought that the constant noise was impressive.... a lot of it down to those blessed "clackers" or whatever they are called. If you were given the chance to have them at Oakwell would you use them to generate noise, find them embarrassing, or end up chucking them on the pitch in a paddy? There's no doubting the increase in noise which they bring which in turn lifts the whole atmosphere etc etc which I believe is required at Oakwell. Anything to lift spirits right now would be welcome?
As the gentlemen above say, might help if we hadn't been toss at home since the start of last season. Huddersfield are living the dream in the premier league with a sold out ground every game. Can't compare us to them this season. I'd do anything to generate atmosphere and although its embarassing that clubs like Leicester need them, if it worked for us, I'd be game.
Knowing as I do the happy go lucky folk who go to watch Barnsley I suspect there would be a surge of patience in A&E needing wooden objects extracting from their posteriors.
Huddersfield are no better than we were in the premier league. I dare say if we we had played Man City this weekend and were 1-0 up at half time Oakwell would have been bouncing.
When we were in the premier league it was a noisy as it was at Huddersfield yesterday. When Huddersfield were struggling it was a quiet there as it is at oakwell at present. It's the football that gets the crowd going. We've barely had a shot at goal in the past two games - all the singing in the world wouldn't have changed that.
The situation with Oakwell is certainly not helping on the pitch and its no surprise really that we've won 2 games out of 19 at home. The main factors are; - Ticket prices. - Not being able to sell the full amount of seats that we have. Did any questions about these issues come up at the meeting with PC and GG a couple of weeks ago? It needs adressing desperately, as Oakwell is working against us at the moment. How can we make it a fortress that teams dont like coming to without being able to stir up some proper atmosphere?
More than 4 home wins all 2017 and allowing our biggest matches to be played at 3 o clock would help. Huddersfield noise I found quite annoying with the fake claps, constant one chant of who to be a, and asking away fans where they were when they were **** when Man City got 30k in division 3 and Huddersfield have doubled their average crowd in the two years since they haven't been as **** as we've been used to them being.
Football in general has become boring, the lack of atmosphere is one of the reason ive stopped going these days, I used to look around the ground and think if I was starting out as a 6year old self again what would attract and entice me to football and it was a struggle to think of anything, so chose to walk away and fill my time with other stuff, and I can say its been one of the best decision I've made