had mine nicked last night, called the police and insurance company gave a couple of details and said they would call me back, but nothing as of yet! fairly obvious question i suppose but is it just a case of twiddling the thumbs until they ring me back with news of the car? i feel like i need to do something but clearly there's nothing i can do other than make a list of stuff that was in the car (no idea if these are covered by the insurance or not???). and, how long do i give them before making a claim (i presume thats what i have to do???) with the insurance company? Cheers
you need a crime number from police to give to insurance. I had a car stolen in early 80's friday night, police came out sat morning and said if i didn't have it back for the monday, to forget it, I forgot it.
I had my Cavalier nicked from Pitt Street Car Park. Horrible feeling. It was found and took to a recovery centre at Birdwell. No one told me, I had to ring around. In the end it would have cost more in release fees then what the car was worth so they crushed it.
aye, managed to get that number this morning, cheers. Thing is now though...i dont want the car back, well i do because its got all my stuff in (sorry, had all my stuff in, wont see any of that again i presume), but after some criminal has had their mits on it thats enough to put me off driving it again.
Mine was recovered to a yard in Wakfield. I rang them and was advised the contents were still in it, some were even described to.me but the car was empty when I went to collect it. I couldn't prove a thing and the pliice who had found it and must have seen the contents werent interested in backing me up.
Best off ringing your insurance up and they will let you know how long you have to wait to see if it turns up before you can make a claim.
This^^^ without wanting to trivialise what you're going through, insurance companies deal with this every day (it's their job). Be polite, be courteous and they'll be really helpful and will talk you through the process. Hope it is resolved soon.
On a night out in Sheffield in the early 90s, we got back to my mates car and window was smashed in. We all trooped off to the station (West Bar) to report it and got back to find a note from the police saying they'd taken the contents for safe keeping. Back to West Bar and my mate got most of his stuff back - although he still had to replace the window and the speakers they'd pulled the wires out of.
My dad has his car nicked when I was too young to remember. He ended up getting it back when they caught the guy for stealing another car and he gave them a list of other ones he had nicked to get a reduced sentence.
A colleague of mine's parents (or grandparents) took a car (Vauxhall Mokka) in for its first service last year and it was stolen from outside the garage - the mechanic had left the keys in it.
Did the insurance pay out? Technically it's not covered, as they willingly handed the keys over which were then left in the car.
Mine was recovered from a car park in York after being nicked from the Metrodome car park. It had accumulated a few parking tickets before someone rang the police who advised that it had been reported as stolen. York Council waived the charges. My wife had her car stolen from outside her house before we were wed. That turned up in Ashton-under-Lyne and the police over there rang to tell us where it was. We went over but couldn't find it and the police confirmed that it appeared to have been nicked again. The following day they rang back to say that it had been spotted again on a canal banking but this time it was unlikely to be stolen again as the wheels had been removed. Insurers, in both cases, were very helpful. I'd assume that the fact that you've already phoned them has triggered the claims process but no harm in giving them a bell again.
If its a half decent german motor sit and wait for the cheque. Or visit a forecourt in eastern Europe or africa!
once had mine nicked in birdwell, gutted as there was a double box of jaffa cakes in it edit....jaffa cakes were probably more valuable than the car
Haven't haf the car itself nicked but had the wheels nicked and found the thing on bricks. Also had a break in to nick the stereo. It was one of those in the 90s that had a pull off front cover. I always took it with me in its little case like you were supposed to but they ransacked the car and pulled the bloody thing to bits trying to find the front cover. Made a proper bloody mess. Would have been better to leave the cover in the glove box so they could piss of and leave the rest of the car in a reasonable state. At least I had the satisfaction of knowing the thieving bstards didn't get what they wanted.
Mine got nicked from outside the offie on the junction of Honeywell Street/Old Mill Lane. Ought not to have been a shock in retrospect, given that I left the keys in and the engine on while I nipped in for a bottle of vodka. I was off to Thailand with a mate the next day. His suitcase was in the boot. His dad brought over a replacement wardrobe which led to said mate looking like Eric Morecambe in those green spats for the first 2 days on holiday. Left another mate at home in charge of operations. The police found the car in a pub car park in Worsborough. Before my mate got there to recover it, it got nicked again, never further to be seen. Because the police had found it, however, and supposedly made it "safe", I got paid out in full on the insurance. Bit lucky there I think.
Cheers all for input....rang insurance back and went through everything again. Apparantly the finance team or someone similar is going to ring me at some point in the next 2 weeks to complete the claim. Incidently it is indeed a german car....sadly its about 8 year old so probably worth nothing if an offer does come.