I've just got my shiny new (and first ever) smartphone! I obviously now want to play with it and fill it with *****. What's your favourite app?
Mobile banking To be honest apps have had there day. Must sitesare now responsive so you get a similar customer experience which ever method or device accces sites by
Spotify and Kindle get used a lot, as do Uber and all the other taxi apps. Just been having a lot of fun using Google Translate to hear what various ridiculous sentences sound like in other languages with my 6 year old. Honest it was with her! She finds Face Swap pretty hilarious as well.
Spotify for streaming music. FlashScores for football and cricket. ATAG for the heating. Ap Geiriaduron for Welsh words.
"My fitness pal" if you're a excercise / fitbit / calorie counter. Tracks calories consumed by scanning bar codes off the packaged and processed foods you eat and any cauli that have conveniently evolved to survive in supermarkets. Waze is an excellent sat nav - uses live data to update traffic and suggest alternative routes. Other than that the rest of my useful apps have already been mentioned.
Yeah as you can add your own recipes. I've always done it by the desktop site so couldn't scan packaging anyway.
Yes. I weigh things the first time I make something but you get to be able to eyeball it pretty quickly. If you've made a batch of something you can then put in that you've eaten 0.25 of the recipe etc.
Daily I use Spotify, Tapatalk to view here, Flash scores for football scores, tune in radio for errrrr.... Radio, cast box for podcasts, some audio books and generally to fill time now I've got more of it on my hands.
Trip Advisor Booking.com Auto trader Flashlight My peugeot, for recording journeys lengths, mpg etc in, er, my peugeot Oh, and (shoot me now), Daily Mail app!
Trainine for train information and bookings, with tickets sent to my phone. Easyjet for flight bookings and tracking, and (you guessed it) boarding passes on my phone. OS maps for when I'm out walking. Can't be beaten, but subscription required. Shazam for those "Who sang this?" moments. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Online banking a must. Here for sat nav, Gmail email
AroundMe for walking directions to a location in a place you are not familiar with. Used a lot to find a customer in the middle of London when I come out of the tube station.