Maybe she pissed herself at work and has locked herself in the stationery cupboard to avoid humiliation. Either that or she put white trousers on, having forgotten which day it was.
I don't think MT that your point is made in a very attractive or aware way. However, to lighten the mood. Your point about being locked in the stationery cupboard puts me in mind of events at my school in the early 70's. We had an English teacher who was perceived to be a bit of a loner. He took his housekeeper hostage for reasons which were never fully explained to us and kept her captive in a coal shelter adjoining his house for 36 hours. When he came before Sheffield Crown Court it was explained that he had been under a great deal of stress and he received a suspended sentence. The very next day he was back teaching us! How times have changed!
160+ replies to the original post - posters sharing personal and intimate details about themselves and worryingly about their children. If adults on this site can be tricked by a con merchant/pervert?? what hope is there for our children when they access the internet.
Oh, it's extremely aware. Attractive - maybe not, but the original wind up became quite distasteful, did it not?
Not wishing to be sceptical but your original post was on Thursday, which, the last time I looked was also a working day. Furthermore, you posted at a time when teachers are actually engaged in either teaching, or some other work-related activities. Since I know many teachers and ex-teachers, I am unclear as to how you find time to post and read comments on this BB when you should, in fact, be working..