A few weeks back somebody on here was asking about the best providers for value for money etc. Can’t remember who, but there were a few on the thread and I can’t find it now. I’d signed up to Bulb energy from a mates referral, got a fifty quid credit (and one for her for referring me). I put a link on here, has somebody used it? I did put one on Facebook too so I’m not certain it’s from here but I don’t recognise the name and I’ve got a pending credit from someone joining? I’d forgotten about it. Anyway, whoever it is, cheers. And I can confirm you do get the £50 on the account when you join, I thought it might be a con but switched as the price was cheaper anyway. I’ll let you know if I get the referral one but it seems fine. I’ve had a bill (well, a statement), all is as normal. If anyone else is in the market to switch, get a quote off these. Cheaper for me than anyone else, plus it’s 100% renewable on the electric. I’m reluctant to pay for coal fired when they won’t let us dig our own anymore... You get £50 credit on your account if you use this link. I think I do too - but having already got one I assume they limit it at some point so maybe just you, seen as I’ve got one pending. I’m not fussed either way, they save me £200 a year (high usage, won’t be that much if you’re more frugal!!). Anyway if it’s cheaper for you help yourself, I only switched as it was cheaper, though the extra £50 sweetens it too. Make sure you quote using your proper usage if you know it, probably projects it on your bills. I’m quite heavy on electric usage, three kids and weird shifts so the tv and washer are rarely off night and day, the heatings on all day at the mo too, it worked out much better for me - and I was with white rose energy before, and they’re not for profit. Much cheaper than the ‘big six’, these were even better. Looking at the unit rates I think they’d work out cheap on light or heavy usage and all in between, but please don’t assume without checking. I’ll be switching my mum and my nanna (as long as it’s still the best deal)when their old fixed deals finish in the new year as they’d have an exit fee to switch now which would offset the credit and they’re on old prices capped 2 years ago nearly. I’m not sure how cheap they are outside the old Yorkshire electric supply region (mpan 23, the one thing I remembered from working for powergen/eon many moons ago), but for those wider spread feel free to look. Anyway, it’s there if you want it. If it’s cheaper, sign up, get your own link and sign up friends/family, they’ll all get the £50 credit whilst the offer is on, presumably you’ll get more for doing it too. Chris has given you £50 of FREE renewable energy. To claim your free gift, sign up using this link: https://bulb.co.uk/refer/chris6155
I change suppliers every 3 months just to spite them. They only start to see a profit after you've been with them for 2 years. I also use cash back sites. A lot of them stipulate you have to stay with supplier for so long to be eligible for cash back but I've had about 6 switches all slipped through net. **** em.
I think it's me Troff. I did use your link after checking on uSwitch, my supply with them starts on 16th Dec, cheers. Also got a good deal on the full Sky HD package and fibre broadband/calls. Been a fruitful month!
I don't usually do these referral things, but Tonik Energy are currently donating £100 to WellChild Charity, for every referral during December. I'm with Tonik and they've been brilliant. 100% renewable energy and lower bills than i've had for some time. I would rather the referral incentive go to Charity than me. PM me if you're interested and i'll send the referral link on.