So Radio Sheffield, this morning, understands Paul Heckingbotton should be signing a new contract by the end of this week. The question is, has he received assurances regarding the take over because without assurances I think he would be mad to try and carry on as things stand at the moment.
I do not think that Hecky would sign a new contract without assurances & I am sure he will have plenty of input into the contract otherwise he will not sign it
Personally I would hope that whatever assurances he may get they do not involve "carry on as you were"
I wouldn't be expecting too much by way of 'assurances' tbh. Hecky himself has said more than once, that contracts don't really mean much these days.
If he is forced to continue within the plan i'm afraid it won' If continuing in the same vein with the plan is a condition of a new contract then I wouldn't have thought he would do his own reputation any good.
He's simply securing his short term future. If he gets the sack he'll have a good pay out, and if he leaves to manage somewhere else the club will get more compensation. I really don't think he'll be making any demands.
I'm not sure how assurances from the current owner are binding if the Club is sold. The only fall back Hecky will have is his contract of employment and whatever dismissal clauses are in that.
I'm not sure the takeover would be a consideration as far as Hecky is concerned. I assume the new contract will come with a pay rise and, I assume, revised severance terms. He's clued up enough to know once you have a contract in football the clock is running down and you'll either get the sack or move on to pastures new, he alluded to that when he was the caretaker. The takeover won't change anything in that regard, 'the plan' may or may not get tweaked, he may or may not have a more generous transfer/wage budget. The new owners might want their own man in. In the meantime if BFC want to offer him more money and this impacts on his compensation should things turn sour he'd be foolish to refuse it irrespective of a takeover which might or might not happen.
If as reported, the new contract and the takeover are both happening this week, then I would expect that the announcement of the takeover will happen first. No owner ( eg Mike Ashley at Newcastle) are going to spend money in January just before selling the club, neither are they going to negotiate a new contract with their manager. If the takeover is happening then the negotiations with Hecky will have been with the new owners.
He will be doing the same job for more money, why wouldn't he sign, no matter what is assurances or state of play is. The club, after giving him a new contract, are just increasing the compensation package they will get when he leaves, which we all know will happen in the not too distant future. It's a good PR stunt from the club also to show their 'commitment' to our manager, which always helps. Is it a 'hands off' to others, i doubt it, we can't afford to give him what the others could/would if they wanted him, if a club fits, he will go. It's not a cynical view, or a snide comment at anyone or anything, unfortunately it's just the harsh facts of the football world
Surely if Hecky is asking for assurances , he is not going to ask for " carry on as you were " , I don"t quite understand what you mean
You are not making sense , you are saying that Hecky is going to insist on signing lower league players & then praying they come good , I think the club might want to go down that route but I doubt that Hecky would