Not if he could get cheaper and higher quality gear in M&S. I won’t convince you and you won’t convince me so let’s not bother. There is no need for aggressiveness towards people myself or others so stop being a dick.
Erm, who's getting aggressive? Point out what I've said that's aggressive and I'll gladly apologise. I've already said in another reply that there isn't an easy fix for this problem, taxing and legalising drugs won't work. Also saying that I'm aggressive to you and others then ending your reply by calling me a dick doesn't really do your argument much good. Just saying like...
I think he was trying to say they aren't ill it's self inflicted. Easy to blame the goverment and everyone else put the victim spin on it but no sympahy from me.
I just gave my take on the matter Redrum, if Dustani or anyone else disagrees, then state why, to say if you want to see 'Ill people' go to the Hospice or Hospital is neither here nor there everybody knows the ill are in Hospital it was sarcasm. And besides I've got my argumentative heard on today nowts gone right since 7 o'clock this morning
Your whole attitude is aggressive. So pretty much everything you have you have said. Top tip when stating an opinion it’s best to say imo and not state it as a fact. As for the rest I say what I see.
Got on bus other day and noticed area over the road had been cordoned off ... the driver said "someone had been stabbed".. and .."it'd be one less druggie, no big loss " .. I didn't say anything, but what a mentality..
Not sure about full legalisation but surely the Portugal model has to be considered, over 15 years since they decriminalised drugs and it's had a much more positive effect than anything else any Western country has tried.
If anyone is interested this is worth watching on the subject. The whole of series 1 is very good. If anyone could solve all the problems caused by drugs (I include prescription drugs & alcohol, that kill many more than street drugs), they would have done so. I can understand people getting angry at smack heads. I've met many myself & one or two former friends from raving days went that way & I had to cut them loose largely. I still know a few addicts though, who have good jobs & are functioning. The Portuguese are leading the way on this, with great results.
I'll return your top tip with don't call people a dick when you're obviously one yourself. If you think that whenever someone states an opinion they have to declare "imo" then that says more about you than me.
I don't understand why anyone would want to even experiment with the likes of Heroin or crack personally, especially when you see what life is like when dependant on it. We make a point of pointing out drug addicts to our kids so they can see just how low the drugs can take you, and are hoping it makes them so afraid that they don't even try the lower class stuff...
Cheers mate that’s for the tip. Best not to state your opinion as facts. Having reviewed your input I see no reason to rescind the dickishness award. Like a lot overly aggressive people you probably don’t realise that’s how you come across but you do.
I think your right although the drug of choice for the town center druggies who the op is on about is heroin and crack. Probley be better off giving that away on free prescription then they would have no need to steal to feed their drug dependency and the dealers wouldn't be making ridiculous amounts off another person's addiction. Will never happen though.
Maybe if the government gave a **** about the north of England, more people would have opportunities to better themselves, and less people would be born in the gutter
In a roundabout way, you do have a point. Take the profiteering away from the dealers (who can't bank it, or spend it too lavishly so it ends up buried in bin liners which is exactly why the old fivers and tenners, and next year, twenties, went out of circulation so quickly to make this money resurface) But to go one further, get rid of cash, full stop. No more illegal purchases (drugs, stolen goods etc) resulting in lower theft as stolen goods would have no, or low resale value, after all, you're not going to buy a stolen Xbox and pay by BACS are you. No more tax dodging, no more benefit fraud... It may seem mad, but within a generation, two at the most, this will happen.
I don’t think that seems mad at all, I think it’s a very real possibility. To be honest I myself rarely carry cash now due to almost all establishments now taking card payments. Many small independent retailers now offer contactless payment as an option as they’re no longer put off by being tied into a contract with a chip and pin provider.