Tyrone, I would be ashamed of myself if I was in my 60's and posting such absolute rubbish. Have some self respect and try to act like an adult. It is also probably not a good idea to post on here while intoxicated, all I can say is that I am glad you are no relation of mine.
Whilst I admit you are being goaded, that would go straight to No.1 in your top 100 most malicious posts.
You can both come back after 3 weeks. Any further continuation of this ******** we'll make it permanent
In fairness to conan, and not trying to defend what he said, he wasn't actually suggesting that Tyrone kills himself. He was being sarcastic because Tyrone once posted saying he was going to do exactly that and has denied it ever since so Conan was basically saying 'you should scream that you're going to kill yourself for attention again'. Doesn't make it right of course but it wasn't quite how it sounded. Personally while Tyrone winds me up a lot on here I'm just glad that he didn't do what he said he was going to do and hope he never feels the need to 'threaten' or consider it again.
I think its called KIDULT, men who refuse to grow up MEN don't play mind games Only weak insecure and immature BOYS do that.
Mmmm.....a don’t know how anyone can defend someone who comes out with such a statement!! I’ve known Tyrone for many years and he’s a lovely bloke.....whether or not people have or had issues in there lives such comments are downright obscene
Someone posts for effect someone else responds. Unsurprising really. I take it the response is about the fake suicide threats rather than an actual incitement.