Millwall away. Couldna have got a worse draw. Horrible club. Hopefully beat the scum and a better draw in the next round. They're not very complementary about us either, oh hang on! They're not complementary about anyone. "No one likes us cos we're ****"
I absolutely hate Millwall. Apart from the fact that their fans are sub human it apears that they were formed by Dundee supporting dockers. They play in dark blue and white and play at the Den. Now not sure if this is because Dundee play at Dens park. Either way a truly horrible club.
Just reading through their forum you can't miss references to trouble. It's always there, bubbling under the surface with them. I read most of the opponents boards when we play them, but Millwall are pretty unique in that aspect. They revel in it.
Being a History teacher, this is a very interesting paragraph - as it contains lots of elements of truth, but is fundamentally inaccurate. It could be used as an example to students to always check your sources. Millwall was founded by tin-smiths from the Morton cannery and preserve factory on the Isle of Dogs. Mortons was a Scottish firm, from Aberdeen. A significant number of Millwall's players were Scottish, and it is thought that the navy blue of the Scotland international side was an inspiration because of this. This colour is often called 'Dundee blue'. The reason Millwall play at The Den is because of a nickname given to the club in the 1890s. Originally known as the Dockers, due to the occupation of many of the club's fans (from the Millwall Docks on the Island and Surrey Commercial Docks in Bermondsey), Millwall became the Lions after dominating the Southern League - the league they pioneered and which was the first professional league in the south & after defeating the dominant Aston Villa side of the era in the QFs of the FA Cup in 1900, prompting a national paper to christen them the Lions of the South. This had been a term used during their first title winning season, when they remained unbeaten all season. As far as I'm aware, Millwall are the only club in England to gain their nickname through football endeavour. In 1910 Millwall made the short hop over to New Cross and decided to make the new stadium The Den - as they liked their new nickname so much.
Thanks for that mate. I took the information from Google wiki page. The company Morton, is it the same company which made and bottled OVD rum in Dundee in years gone by? Anyway I stand by my comments that both clubs are truly horrible and unlikeable. LOL.
Excellent and very informative. Whilst I agree some Millwall fans behaviour is criminal and unpleasant,I find the history of a lot of clubs very interesting..