Two excellent interviews today spoiled by the usual poor sound quality

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Prince of Risborough, Dec 21, 2017.

  1. Sooty9

    Sooty9 Active Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    YT can't you just put subtitles on afterwards? Just when there asking the questions? Problem solved
  2. Prince of Risborough

    Prince of Risborough Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Dunnington, East of York
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    I am NOT criticising you personally, or anyone else for that matter. It's not a new thing though is it? It's been going on for some time and it doesn't matter if an interview takes place where it did today or somewhere else - even outside. There is a more than even chance that we will be able to hear only half of it. That's not me whining, or complaining - I'm just saying what I see and hear (or don't hear), and I am not the only one.

    As I've said on many, many occasions I love the way the media output has improved recently - massively in fact. It's just this issue that bugs me. I know how hard it can be to get everyone's voice heard in a room. I had some experience of this kind of thing myself in my latter RAF/Civil Service years, setting up and managing big presentations and briefings of many different kinds, at many different levels. It could have been something for senior officers up to, and including, the 4-star CINC himself, or it could have been a fairly low level affair to inform the staff of how things were going. Powerpoint slides, videos and people standing up front addressing hundreds in the Air Command lecture theatre was an almost weekly event and I had nightmares getting it right sometimes. Both audio and visual had to be 100% or it would have all come down on my head from a great height. I'm proud to say that I managed it and even when there were technical problems I found solutions and they didn't happen a second time.

    All I'm saying is that it cannot be beyond the club's (maybe?) limited resources to get these guys closer to a microphone - can't they all sit closer, out of shot, but close enough to be heard from the main mic on the desk? Failing that why not allow a few seconds pause until the next questioner has a mic in his hand. They invariably ask more than one question don't they? It's just frustrating when an interview starts so well and then tails off because nothing can be heard from the questioner.
  3. YTB

    YTBFC Guest

    Don’t give me ideas.
    Redstone likes this.
  4. YTB

    YTBFC Guest

    I completely get where you are coming from, I really do. We will sort it. By the new year I promise.

    And apologies again if I’ve been a smart arse. It’s been a long week and when I post on here I try to do so as myself rather than a club voice.
    Prince of Risborough likes this.
  5. YTB

    YTBFC Guest

    Can do, no problem. But will endeavour to get them closer to the table and to speak louder/clearer.

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