New poster on this board. First a confession - I'm not from Barnsley or anywhere nearby. I'm from Kent and it's a long story as to how I came to support BFC in 1977 which I won't bore you with. Between 80 and 83 I was a regular attender at Oakwell while I was studying at Huddersfield Poly (as it was then). Now I'm down south in a village just outside Princes Risborough - there's even another BFC fan in the village! I get to some of the away games down here, Brentford being the last. Anyway, looking forward to joining in those threads that provoke me to comment.
Hello and welome. Don't suppose you went to Stockport away in about 2000/2001 did you? Odd question I know. I just remember someone sat behind me and my Dad with a southern accent! I'm a glory hunting reds fan not from tarn too by the way. That's what I call misen anyway if anyone asks.
Bloody ex-students with their 3 paragraph entrance posts . Snobby t#@t . I mean your most welcome sir.
Loosley Row - and the other BFC fan I found is in Lacey Green. So you'll know, not quite the same village.
I know - ex student, verbose and a soft southerner - nothing going for me! But I can bore anyone sh*tless about BFC.
Well, well - small world. I know those two places very well, being on my route to and from work for many years. I arrived in Risborough in 2006 when the RAF Personnel and Training Command merged with Strike just up the road from you at Walter's Ash. I lived in Malthouse Square to start with, then Aylesbury and then Jasmine Crescent, just down from the library, up to June 2013. Then my partner and I migrated north (going "back home" was the reason, plus the fact that it was impossible to afford anything decent in PR). It was nice to be able to afford a house but I do miss Princes Risborough. Fantastic place to live and lots of happy memories there. I was there twice the season before last, parking my car at the station and taking the train to Wembley for our two memorable visits. Maybe saw you on the station and never knew the connection.
Glad you liked the area. For the play-off final I tubed in from Hillingdon but I went in from Rizzie for the JPT.
Actually, what got me 'hooked' was a heavy home defeat in 1977. Can't remember the game but I was a Gillingham boy at the time and thought that BFC needed supporting more than the Gills.
Whatever, it was your destiny to become a Reds fan and you should thank the Good Lord - and his emissary The Reverend Preedy.
Welcome to the loony bin. I've been a Reds fan for about the same length of time although my dad used to take me to games in the mid 60s when I was about 10 but the bug really bit when Clarkie arrived on the scene.