Chanting that ***** after we scored is absolutely pathetic. Do lads world of good that won’t it? Should be utterly embarrassed anybody who part took in that chant (I know it wasn’t anybody off here by the way)
I think this song, and the 'How **** must you be, we're winning away', plus the emerging 'we've had a shot' (to the same tune as the one today), are cringe-worthy and stopped being funny very soon after they were started by whoever, 2-3 years back. Self-deprecating humour has it's place, but I hate those chants. I hate that tune too, everything 'new' is sang to it up and down the country!
I remember when he had all the world beaters and we was singing "your nothing special we lose every week" and the after that we played sheff united Conor scored last min and the ponty was singing "how **** must you be you gave us a point" bottom of league one.
4 goals in the last 10 games.. 900 minutes of football.. a goal every 225 minutes. Spare me your sympathy for the player's feelings- that's not good enough, a lighthearted dig is not going to ruin their confidence. Its already ruined.
In the play off semi against Walsall there was chanting on the East Upper concourse. It was very surreal. I thought my bovril had been spiked.
Our scoring record has recently been terrible. If a few pampered players had their feelings hurt by some light hearted banter from a small portion of the fanbase that have sat through hours of drivel then so be it.
The ones earning 4 or 5 times the national average salary (and that's probably a low estimate even by our standards) by playing football once or twice a week?
Anyone who chanted that, good on you, it's light hearted and amusing and self deprecating and fun. Football isn't poverty or starvation or illness or death, it's not losing loved ones, it's not homelessness, it's not bigotry or prejudice, it's not being unable to pay your bills or feed your family; it's escapism. We're crap at the moment, let's deal with that with humour not vitriol and a lightness of touch befitting an engaging but ultimately meaningless sporting competition not genocide. Got on any more funny songs or gallows humour, bring it on.
Nice one Sir/Madam. I will assume you were also one of the sarcastic chanters belittling this already fragile bunch of players. Poverty, starvation, illnesss or death ? What planet thy on ? I have read through some some of your letters on here, Jayne and I see that the vast majority are negative towards Barnsley Football Club. I will forgive you though in the long run (your negativity letter ratio reads 83/17 In terms of happy letters) I still love you And will never forget our moment of Bovril inspired fornication that we enjoyed upon Viv Anderson’s appointment.