Oh your one of them **** ends are you? One of that brigade? “They earn x amount of money per week and I PAY MY MONEY SO SHOULD BE ABLE TO SAY WHAT I WANT. You should only be able to criticise a football player if you’ve played at the same level I have only consumed 8 ecstasy tablets this evening and the sense coming from my fingertips is 10 x the brow of Brenda O’Connel. I love you Jamo
Top post Jay.... Sadly the majority of the 'pond life' on here will be way below your intellect..... It's always sad when cousins marry innit
belittling them? oh get a grip FFS! Do you not appreciate good Yorkshire humour? These fans have sat through almost 5 whole home matches without seeing the oppositions net bulge even once If I was a player I too would be amused at such great wit.
Aww bless these poor fans for having to sit through almost 5 games without seeing the oppositions net bulge even once. Aww bless. Poor, poor fans.
Totally agree. Spending hard earned wages and using precious leisure time to watch a team that cannot perform the simple action of scoring a goal in a game that usually at least provides 1 or 2 goals a week.
I was at a 70th birthday bash yesterday. Sounds like your Saturday night was considerably more interesting than mine!
Few people on here need to cool their jets. I thought it was quite funny. Some much needed humour. It lasted abart 5 seconds.