I meant "same" in terms of each individual's present wage, rather than in a communist collective's sense - even though Redstar may wobble his lower lip at this.
No. You have 3 players each earning 7k per week. You ship 2 out and recruit one of better quality who you pay 14k per week. Overall wage bill remains the same. This is what Chris is getting at.
Well he is not the best at explaining,if that's what he means. What it must inevitably mean is "fewer players" then. Which was denied. Was it not (bit of Graham Taylor thrown in there)?
3 x players on 3k per week = 9k 2 x players on 5k per week = 10k No just about the amount of players you get rid of.
On that example RAC, I'm afraid it is. Apart from an extra1k. and one player fewer. I've been drinking, and I apologise. But I need another bottle in order to see what I'm missing here.
3 x players on £7k a week apiece Ship two out. 1 x player on £7k a week 1 x player on £11k a week 1 x player on £3k a week Something like that? Not for a moment suggesting that this is what we'll be doing, but it's a possible blade with which to cut the knot in which everybody appears to have tied themselves!
Do we even have one player at the club that is on £7k per week? It’s one thing using relatively large numbers to creative a sizeable surplus when players are shipped out but if the reality is that the said players are on 1.5/2/2.5 per week then that’s a completely different ball game if the overall wage budget isn’t increasing as we would have to shift a hell of a lot of ‘lower’ paid players to balance the books on a big signing.
Sure. I'm just giving an example as to one possible way by which we could pay a player more without ending up with fewer overall.
Yeah but that again defeats RAC's argument about there being more quality and less quantity. I hope his transfer information turns out to be better than his contributions in this thread. cos on a scale leading to 6 foot 5, they've been less than Prince-ly. (God rest his soul)
This thread has really confused me. I'm sure redarmychris was pretty clear that he was saying we will get rid of a few poor players and replace them with less quantity but higher quality. Then he seemed to be arguing with Tobyorbottoby even though they were both saying the same thing. Fewer players higher wages for them and higher quality. Have I missed something?