He seriously sounded like a broken man. I hope he has someone to confide in, another Manager perhaps. He needs support. Really feel for him. Any Barnsley fan who posts on 'Tykes Talk' needs their head testing, a witch hunt on Hecky now by those who haven't a brain cell between them ! FootyMad is not much better. Shame on these so called fans.
We seem to be really daft on this message board. That's until you look at other message boards. We have had a problem of 'follow mi leader' on here - but nothing to the extent these other boards suffer from. That is to say - someone says something - and the majority just repeat what that person has said. Basically - because they haven't the ability to think for themselves.
If it’s the same one as ifollow he just sounded cold and pi55ed off we’d been beaten 4-1. Hecky never sounds thrilled, which is one reason why I like him. Doesn’t get carried away when he had this bunch mid table, and we shouldn’t get too carried away at this poor run. If the club don’t back him with proven championship players - not long shot punts who may or may not turn out ok - then I don’t blame him if he feels it’s time for a fresh start somewhere else. We would also be heading back to League 1 unless we get some championship experienced players - wingers, strikers and centre midfielders who have been there and done it at this level or higher. I fear we’ll probably drop to League 1 or more unproven French or similar players who have no experience in what is the 4th or 5th most competitive league
Just listened to the I/V. He didn't sound broken to me - just a guy who knows he's got a tough challenge ahead with not a lot of resource. He's a realist. We need to be, fourth from bottom this season is the aspiration at the moment.
Every time Hecky interviews after a defeat someone says he sounds broken. It’s like people are looking for something thats not there. He doesn’t sound broken just disappointed and in this case very cold.
Didn't sound like someone on the verge of pissin off to forest to me . Sounds like a man who knows he's gunna be busy in transfer market next week .
He is the same win or lose, he doesn't get carried away if we win or end of the world if we lose. He says what went well in a good win and what was poor in a defeat good honest interviews. Also he will never divulge information on transfers or contracts until they are finalised no one would it's not a negative thing. Don't compare us to big premier spending clubs with big media crews because the pool of players we are picking from so are a lot of other clubs ie how many are after keifer Moore.
I thought he was disappointed, freezing his nads off (bet he wishes he hadn't shaved!) and dying to get out of that sh!thole, that's all. His disappointment is more genuine than many managers as he's also a fan and so feels it personally. His tone is consistent with how I'm feeling and I'm not going to give up - I didn't read into it that he was either. Much rather him be realistic like he his than bull-sh!tting. IHWT
Tommy Wright badly let him down. Only him and Allardyce got fired in the sting. I think we’ve told him we won’t stand in his way. Life goes on.
Now is the time, at this low ebb, to give him a long contract on a lot of money and with a decent amount to spend. For him to spend on who he wants. Do that and all will be well. Hecky is young, talented, bright and has presence. Furthermore he is one of us and it would be criminal to lose him at the dawn of a new era for the club. Bad result today, especially to the subhumans, but in the grand scheme of things we don’t care - as they say. Stay up and then onwards and upwards with Hecky at the helm. Go down, same applies. End of.
I'm no psychiatrist but that sounds like a man who is thinking about jumping ship to one of our hated rivals!
What I heard was someone frustrated that he works all week on a plan and then the players didn’t follow it.
Understand this weeks plan, may have been a moving feast. Positive! Negative! Not many players will be stolen this window. Maybe AY. So at least now it's about blending what comes in. Ie. Balotelli, Sneidjer et al'