apparently if you apply for the season ticket refund it is part of the terms and conditions that you’re never allowed a season ticket again!
Continues to amaze me that some people think that possession of a season ticket guarantees good football and a successful season.
Tried researching this but apparently there is no such thing as refunds for ST's. Only way you get banned from purchasing future ST's is if club cancels your season ticket for misuse or breaching their rules
I hope they get battered on Friday. Heard nothing out of them this week on footy heaven, they've been properly put in their place.
Never mind, found link for these terms. Quiet funny to read about it lol
Barnsley FC should advertise a discount on half BFC season tickets, to football fans who've had a refund on their SWFC ones. That would proper rattle Mr Chansiri.
yeh, tell them that we're richa than yow and that we, unlike them, will be in Europe in three years. Tell them as well that their "best" players (ahem) will be poached by us very, very soon. They'll come running to join us.
I know you're joking, but the sort of person who applies for a refund on a season ticket when things aren't going well are the sort of person I wouldn't want following my football club.
I remember when they last got relegated from the Premier league , they marketed their next seasons ticket as a "Passport to the Premier league ticket ", assuming that ticket is still valid , they have had season after season when they havn"t had to pay , priceless
If they get hammered at Bramall Lane on Friday, the roads around Hillsboro will be blocked on Saturday morning by folks queuing up for their money back. Joking aside though, you have to wonder what's going on in Chansiri's head. I can understand that after putting in some serious money, he might take exception to some of the criticism, but he's a businessman. He should be mature enough to cope with it without resorting to all this kids stuff.
True, but just this once I'd like to see the Blades come out well on top. And if we could beat Wolves and close the gap between us and Wednesday to one point, that would be terrific.