If there’s only one reason for her not to have a statue in the home of democracy it is for the protection of Dictator,Torturer and mass murderer Pinochet .
It’s all very well talking nonsense (we do it all the time on this site) but for goodness sake, at least get your facts right. You seem to object to the Mandela Statue in Parliament Square because he was a foreign leader. Why aren’t you objecting to the one of Smuts - another (White) South African leader? Or the one of Lincoln or the one of Gandhi - all in the same location.
He will come back with crap about folk being on welfare and conveniently ignore the fact it was Thatcher who used incapacity to mask horrendous unemployment figures
The poll tax a good thing and at the time it was implemented I was a young lad living with my parents
Can't remember maybe a couple of hundred person .essentially it.meantt hat those with plenty living in house paid less than a little old.lady
I've looked back at her tenure objectively, I was a massive Labour supporter until about 3 years ago, I'm still a Labour member through Unison and I voted for Corbyn in the leadership election yet their ideology is completely unworkable, it works brilliantly until the money runs out.
I don’t think you have any understanding of Keynesian economics. I think you’re talking about neo-liberal economics.
Unlike Thatchers policies which worked brilliantly until the money ran out and it was all in her wealthy mates pockets !
Have you been to Grimethorpe? Can you remember what it was like before her vindictive pit closure scheme? How about Selby? I'm not sure where you are getting your facts from. I don't mind who you vote for. I think that John Major was a better PM than Tony Blair, if I look at all things objectively.
Unfortunately you have to create rich people in order to make the average person wealthier through "trickle down", it doesn't work as well as we'd like but it's better than the Labour policy of reducing the gap between rich and poor by making everyone poorer.