I don't think the problem was the back 3 or 5 yesterday more that it was the midfield 3 who offered nothing defensively. In hindsight if I was choosing yesterday's team I'd have played Davies Cavare pinnock Lindsay yiadom McCarthy moncur Mallan hammill Moore Bradshaw But I don't think that's much better
Which players we have loaned out would have seriously made a difference yesterday? It's not like we have let anyone who has been doing well leave. The squad is in such a state because we have recruited poorly coupled with the problems of building a whole new squad in one go.
Mcgeehan could have come into midfield . Because we've left threadbare we had to completely change our structure
He could have, he has also been very poor, probably not helped by his long injury lay off. Very much doubt he would have made any difference. So our squad is in the state it is because we have let mcgeehan go out on loan?
Yiu asked for an example weve let two midfield players go on loan and we are two short now Our squad wasn't big enough for this
I wouldn't have done what Hecky did, but when I saw his options I could see why he went that way. I think 95 times out of 100 we would have lost the game whatever team and formation was chosen. They're better than us by a long way and no amount of tactical jiggery pokery from the sidelines can compensate for that. You've got to hope they have an off day, but they didn't. I am concerned we let McGeehan and Bird out without first bringing in replacements though. Gardner was always going to miss the Villa game. It would only take an injury or suspension to Williams and we'd be left with a midfield that isn't fit for purpose. Such a possibility was not a long shot. It doesn't matter how much Hecky likes Potts and how much he plays him, he's not performing at the requisite level. Moncur offers nothing defensively and that's not Mallhan's game either. Jared Bird can tackle and McGeehan has the discipline to stay in position. We should not have left ourselves having to play 5 at the back because our manager didn't trust the midfield players at his disposal.
Two who weren't good enough so it hardly matters. The problem is we haven't brought in good enough players in the summer. I hope we are bringing some in to help bolster us as we really only have Gardner and Williams but that was also the case before we loaned anyone out.
Lie. You made one post at 3.16 and one at 4.59. http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/i-was-very-surprise-with-the-changes-in-formation.263292/ http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/first-time-and-hopefully-the-last-time.263313/ Why bother.
On the other hand, if Davies hadn't dropped yet ANOTHER bollock, and Moore and Bradshaw had scored when it was harder to miss, we may have got a draw at least, then Hecky would have been a tactical genius covering the loss of Gardener and Williams with that formation. Fine margins
I suspect he was trying to rearrange the team in the absence of Gardner and Williams. It didn't work so he reverted to something like our normal formation which worked rather better. I don't see it as irrational since I believe he wouldn't have done it if either one of the 2 missing players were available. It shows a willingness to try something new rather than get stuck in a rut which has been the failing of many a manager over the years - including Norman Hunter and Mel Machin.