In memory of a quiet, unassuming but nonetheless deserving man, let’s fill the stands and show him the respect he’s earnt ten times over, and his wife and son how much his time here is appreciated. I’m sure the day will be marked by the club, let’s make sure it’s well attended and immaculately observed.
Unfortunately I’m working otherwise I would’ve gone, hope it’s a big turn out to pay tribute to the saviour of our club!
Should make it everyone a tenner and pack out the stands. Wouldn't be too hard to give those who have already purchased a ticket the chance to either get reimbursed the difference or for it to be donated to a cancer charity. The best way to celebrate his life would be to get as many as possible to turn up.
I'm hoping the new owners are going to look into doing something so us fans get a chance to say goodbye and thank you together....
This is my first post on this site tho I have been a supporter for over fifty years and a season ticket holder for the past 22 years. I just felt compelled to put on record my sincere thanks to Patrick for all he has done for the club and to send my deepest condolences to his family. RIP Patrick. You will never be forgotten by loyal supporters.
Would be nice if some of the people who went to Wembley all or any of the last three times to turn up as a thank you for their day/s out
I went on the radio tonight to appeal to all the fans that went to Wembley ,for the FA cup semi final and the two finals where we were winners , to attend the game on Saturday. I have no idea how we persuade the new owners to lower the prices to fill the ground at such short notice. The next home game after Fulham is Wednesday which is not practical. Can we as fans persuade the new owners to make our next home match a chance for us all to say farewell to the man who saved our club. I have no idea how we motivate this maybe Whitey as some answers ,but wouldn't it be a massive tribute if we can fill four sides of the ground including the North stand to pay tribute as a farewell to Patrick as most of us who would have paid our respects at the funeral could do this as an huge thank you and huge support to Jean and James for the sad loss of Patrick. Ideas much appreciated i have no idea how we can make this happen but it should be made to happen sad sad times.
I really wish I could. Hopefully some of those who live a little closer than I do but don't or can't go that regularly will make a special effort on Saturday.
We’ll let you off lol. Mind you doesn’t the 226 come round your way , always felt it went a long way round when I used to catch it for neets at pit
They’ve sold tickets already for the game so couldn’t reduce them now. Fulham have been selling for weeks. I would hope that people would dip their hand in their pocket anyway to come out and pay their respects. If there are more home fans against Wednesday than Fulham it’s a disgrace imo
I emailed Yorkshire Traction asking if they'd consider adding St Petersburg to their route, but they said they didn't think it would be cost effective. So much for a public service!
A good cause. But looking on the pessimistic side - what happens if there's just the regular sort of attendance? It's not as tho Oakwell as been bouncing for these last few years. So would a regular attendance be seen as fans not being bothered or caring? It would be sad if this happened. Care needed here.
I'm just glad it's not the Wendies game this weekend as I wouldn't trust their fans not to spoil what is the most poignant day in our recent history.
I genuinely don’t get this we must do this we must do that mentality. If people are able to the ones who want to be there on Saturday will be there. We’ve got to let the club work alongside the family. This sad loss of life was an expected one. Plans will have been in place. The club and family are fully aware what we thought about Patrick. Alongside our thoughts and words of respect for the family the best tribute we can give is to back 100% the tribute that his family sees fit. One well thought out moving tribute that is backed 100% by those who are there is so much stronger than all these little tributes people are throwing around asif the club aren’t thinking about it themselves. Don’t worry about the thousands of blokes who turned up to the JPT final for a cheap day out to Wembley and haven’t watched us since. Just know yourself you’re backing what the family wanted. The numbers will take care of themselves.
Totally with you on this RAC. No need to have negative thoughts about who can’t attend. Those that are there will show their appreciation. Have never understood the desire to whip up sentiment.