The tree debate in Sheffield is a load of over hyped ******** half the trees earmarked shouldve been up rooted years ago.. only folk who are bothered are 20 or so old school hippy types ..))
Tell that to the people of Borneo and Brazil who have cut down an area the equivalent of Eire between them.
I've got 2 mature trees in my garden. There's a building plot next door which was for sale. One day a bloke knocked at my door and said he was interested in the plot, but my trees would have to be cut down. I told him the trees were staying, and not only that, I was going to plant some more. He didn't buy the plot. I love trees.
I don’t hate either, my point was how over the top there protest was, if they were causing genuine damage then the correct outcome was applied, if you act like they were at a football match or in town on a Saturday evening then you’d be in deep ****..... It’s a shame some people don’t show the same passion when we have grooming cases happening on there doorsteps
Are u that tick.. The hell has grooming got to do with tree protests .. When was the last time you saw Tommy Robinson on a nhs protest?
It amazes me how we live in a society where people get so heat up about subjects like trees being felled but other sinister acts are treat with almost acceptance, my post was not designed to antagonize anyone and if it has I apologise but I typed as i watched it on the news earlier
I think his point is there's bigger issues to be concerned about... who gives a **** about a few trees.
Apparently they are trying to root out the trouble causers but it's OK because they've turned over a new leaf.
You've started something now, they'll all be posting similar stuff. Soon you'll be sycamore of these puns......
And heaven forbid that anyone ever should ever pay any money for public service that isn't directly being reinvested on them. The grasping ********.
Some more clog iron for thi. Mature trees like these do nothing such. ALL growing plants lock CO2 - mature plants pretty much give out as much as they take in. This ******** spouted by anti capitalist morons at Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace and perpetuated by Guardian reading teachers in our kids classrooms - in reality it's the corn fields of America and the Sugar Beet fields of france that are the lungs of the earth. Not a lonely oak in Darnell.