Recently,probably since Patrick was taken Ill there have been calls for a statue outside oakwell. I personally think it’s a great idea and preferably paid for by fan fund raising in appreciation of his gift to us . I would however prefer the club to say put half to and have a statue of Patrick shaking hands with the Rev. Just my thoughts but I’d like it to happen if possible
I think blackpool fans paid for the jimmy armfield one outside their ground a blackpool fan posted on here for a while and didn't cost that much I think I remember him posting.
If there is a local company that does such work I reckon they would manufacture something at a reduced rate too.....
Patrick was a very modest guy, not sure its what he would have wanted. The family should be asked of their feelings about this, but they should be allowed a good deal of privacy before being asked.
Being as James owns 20% of the club I think that’s pretty obvious they would be consulted. And as for the family’s privacy I think the vast majority already respects that
A stand named in his honour would be lovely. I'm surprised there hasn't been a 'Norman Rimington Stand' yet to be honest. I really think naming stands after folk is a good idea, it's simple to do and provides a bit of historic feeling and character to an otherwise blandly named 'East' or 'West' stand.
comes down to the wishes of the family i would imagine. Impression I get is that neither rimmo nor Cryne would want either a statue or a stand named after them. I'd be delighted with either or both like, but for me it's got to come down to the family to decide
There’s not many genuine people who would say I’d like a statue or a stand named after them I get that , I always tell Kids and Grandkids not to bother with Christmas or birthday presents for me and really mean it because I’d rather them spend their money on something they want or need and that makes me happy. But they always buy me something and it always makes me feel humbled and in a way glad that they thought about me, I would not suggest for one minute that we go against families wishes even if it were possible , but permission granted I think a statue would be a great gesture imo. Stand could be named after Rimmo ,Tufnell or Redders but a statue would be unique imo to the two men who gave us a football club
what about a statue of Rimmo and Patrick stood holding a BFC pennant between them with Tiverton Preedy stood behind them with his arms with around their shoulders them
Putting a statue in the corner of the ground between the West stand and ponte would be amazing given watching Barnsley gave him great pleasure. Alternatively renaming the west stand as the Patrick Cryne stand would be a fitting tribute too.
I understand Patrick would have been appalled at this idea and the family don't want anything named after him. I'm not surprised though, he was always very private.
I read a suggestion on Twitter or a football forum maybe here or TykesMad a couple of months back. In the south west corner the concrete with VW badge on it over looking the pitch, at the top on marble plinths looking out onto the pith we should have statues of Reverend P at one side in his cloth with his hands out in front of him holding his bible, at the other side Rimo holding a football, and in the middle Patrick in his Wembley suit with JPT in one arm and the L1 play off trophy in the other, below them should be a brick or marble and oak wishing well, with steps up ether side so you can walk round the well, the well should be used for depositing the ashes of BFC fans who have passed away, the steps could be engraved with the details of said fans. Remembrance Corner. Sounds amazing to me, I think it would look quality if done right, and would finish off the ground perfectly if we added a new west stand first.
A shame it would be but if its against the wishes of the family, or of Patrick himself, then its a no-no
If the gesture was from the fans im sure the family would be honoured and if it was still their wish not to that would be fair enough and end of . I can understand the family being against the idea from official sources as it could be deemed egotistical even though we know it wouldn’t be