Saw Nixon say they've signed a CB, so probably got legs. The comments about him are worrying: "ian thorpe @ianthorpe1972 Jan 29 Replying to @reluctantnicko I would carry Matt Mills on my shoulders to Barnsley....please let this be true" "Alan Nixon @reluctantnicko Jan 29 Would you get there by Wednesday midnight?" "ian thorpe @ianthorpe1972 Jan 29 I'm 45 and overweight but I would move heaven and earth Alan..." Why the f*ck are we selling someone who knows the club but had a bit of bad form to a relegation rival to get someone like that as a replacement
Ian Evans had all sorts of problems but with decent players around him he was outstanding, perhaps lightning might strike twice.
Just because a few Forest fans say he is crap does not mean that's the whole truth. A lot of Ipswich fans said the same about Moore when we signed him and he seems to be doing fairly well for us so far. Lots of our fans say Moncur is terrible but he is nowhere near as bad as people make him out to be on here. Maybe a change of club could do wonders for Mills, start regularly again and be a leader in a young side. He has a huge amount of experience in this league and he is only 31 so plenty of seasons left in him.
Played with him, error prone. Loves a big diagonal ball too. Could be something different though If we get runners on to Moore’s flick ons.
As Norman Hunter said to Mick Mccarthy " you win the ball then give it to someone who can play" Theres nothing wrong with an old school centre half.
When alls said and done, he's been involved in the majority of Forest games for the last two seasons, so can't be that bad.