Looks in perfect nick right now but always likely to be state of surrounding areas that swings any decision to postpone.
Confirmed, looking out of my office window over the Humber and there next to no lying snow left. Game on...
All roads completely clear between here and York. Apart from when you get back to Barnsley of course and then there is traffic carnage caused by poorly planned road closures.
I dont know I remember going to watch us at Palace either the same season as the Preston Debacle or the season before and the roads and pavements round the ground were covered in ice and snow and quite slippery - pitch was perfect unfortunately so we still played and remember thinking when Preston got called off - soft south london club - icy roads game on, Hard northern club call it off
Yep - just changed in Royston as well.... Within 10 minutes main road now covered from nowt. Blizzard conditions I tell thi!
Hmm, sun was shining earlier and then suddenly we were nearly in white out conditions!. Then a lull, and here it is again. Stupid weather!
Good day out that, bought a crate of beer for £10 for the train home! Me, Tim and Paul supped the lot by Winchester