Why make the changes with the 2 wing backs again, I couldn't understand that. Yids in midfield is an interesting idea but if hes staying with us longer term, Id rather he plays where hes better suited to.
We were anonymous down the right after that. Thiam playing on the right is a smart move. Shoe horning Yids into that spot for anything other than injury is not a smart move. But he’s still learning about his players and we will have these odd head scratchers from time to time
Need Isgrove on the bench at least. He would be a terror for tired defenders. Hoping and Hammil get another chance
Not necessarily, at least he didn’t seem injured or exhausted. We also had Mahoney, Mallan and Moncur on the bench so the 5-4-1 switch wasn’t forced on JM even if Thiam was injured it exhausted. I presume that we went 5-4-1 as Hull were pushing forward and looking increasingly threatening. The unfortunate thing is that when we went 5-4-1 the attacking threat that we previously possessed was non-existent and we sat back, far too deep in my opinion. We allowed attack after attack and cross after cross to come into the final third. It’s not a tactic that I enjoyed watching but if we stay up by 1 point or on goal difference then it’ll do.
It got us a point I guess but was awful to watch. Where's Hedges these days? Is he injured or something? He would suit the new formation...