He seems to be loving the speculation and chat about him, feeding his ego. Be sublime if we all just left it and gave him no attention collectively.
He's made ONE Twitter post replying to somebody who made a serious accusation against him. Where from that do you get the impression that he is loving the speculation and it is feeding his ego?
He keeps posting tweets & then deleting them shortly after & liking tweets about it. He’d be better off just pretending it isn’t happening
His management of his social media account has been atrocious since the summer. Some people who are having a go at him now are the same ones who were having a go at me despite all the evidence of his attitude/behaviour coming from the same source (twitter, instagram, facebook). If they want to live their lifestyle that way then that’s up to them. They’ll soon be found out and slide down the leagues. However posting it all on social media like Angus did throughout the summer and beyond was just taking the piss out of the fans in my opinion. Even more so as he was club captain. What baffles me most (for those who do care enough to comment) is why loads are jumping on his back now just because he’s left. It had a much bigger effect on us when he was performing shockingly whilst posting evidence of a lifestyle not cohesive with being a Championship footballer. Yet those who pointed it out were slated for it? On top of that there were people absolutely hammering me for picking on a lad with ‘mental health issues’, despite absolute zero evidence of that ever being the case. No one seems to me mentioning that now though?